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Yes or No Knight of swords

The Knight of Swords is an incredibly fierce card. Determined to succeed, you are charging forward and will stop at nothing to get what you want. This is a major catalyst for change, and you are only too ready for this. Looked upon as a YES.

Upright Knight of Swords – Yes or No?

Knight of swords tarot card meaning yes or no

Sometimes, change is feared. We may not want to step forward and risk failure. But oh, sweet Knight of Swords, you are this meaning in stark contrast. You are galloping forward, sword up in the air and ready for anything. Even your noble steed is glancing back at you, in awe of your tenacity! Blue skies surround you as a positive omen, but my favourite part of this card are the trees. You can see the wind blowing wildly towards you, signifying how hard you are moving forward, even into the wind.

This Knight is so brave. He has been waiting a long time for his decisions to become action. Quickly, almost overnight, he says, ‘enough is enough.’ Stress won’t phase them, they will rise above the emotions in order to charge full steam ahead. An overall YES is indicated but, and it is a big but, be wary that it is possible to charge too quickly.

Knight of Swords Reversed – Yes or No?

Knight of swords reversed tarot card meaning yes or no 1

What stagnates us? Why do we allow opportunity to pass us by? When we stand still, does the world stand still with us? No. It keeps moving. It’s constantly moving. Fear roots us, and it can root us to the same spot for a very long time. That in itself is a problem, but the real problem lies when we get comfortable in that spot. We might it down and relax, and shrug our shoulders at the fast pace around us. Is that right?

This stationary aspect of your life is going to cause arguments. People around you are going to call on you to get up and make an overdue move, but you are likely to flick away their requests and continue to do what you want. In the end, that is only going to cause conflict. In reverse, our brave Knight is a lover of procrastination, and he doesn’t care if other people also see him that way. A much more likely NO.

Knight of Swords Meaning For Love – Yes or No?

Knight of swords tarot card meaning for love yes or no

The Knight of Swords represents a male in your life who possesses the same traits as this Knight in question. Sure as the sun shines, he knows he way to go, he is on a mission to see off any obstacles on his journey. He is somebody who you want to have with you in life.

This may also indicate that changes are ahead in your relationship, or perhaps one big change. You may not feel ready or even prepared for what is to come, but you know you will have to assert yourself and ensure you are in a great place to go with this very fast flow. This may also mean you fighting for what you believe to be fair. A general YES is likely.

Knight of Swords Reversed Meaning For Love – Yes or No?

Knight of swords reversed love yes or no

In reverse, the Knight of Swords can indicate a soul leaving. The same vigour and gusto as he charges forth into a determined state of being, this soul will likely mirror in love. This can mean that in the love situation you are in, something has boiled over and reached a crucial stay or go moment.

Whatever got you to that point, it is worth holding back and engaging with your soul, in an attempt to come to a solution. Can you do this, or is it too late? Sometimes love can run its course through no fault of our own but if you feel a salvageable notion here, then act upon it. Reversed, this Knight is telling me a probable NO is on the cards, but with opportunistic cards such as the Ace of Swords present, anything is possible.

Knight of Swords Meaning For Advice – Yes or No?

King of swords Advice Yes or No 1

A difficult one here. If you are seeking advice for your weary soul to rest, how to do it and where to start, I would say this card tells you to start resting immediately. There is no time than the present. Any other aspect of life rings close to this as well. Be it work, love or life; put yourself first. There is no warning quite like this anywhere else in the entire deck, so the message stands very clear. If there has been a recent ending, remember, this was totally out of your control. The only way forward now, is a peaceful one. View this as a probable NO, watch out glorious moon, for if she is in a new phase, you will be aligned.

Knight of Swords Reversed Meaning For Advice – Yes or No?

Knight of swords reversed advice yes or no

In reverse, our brave Knight is no longer the iron clad warrior he is when upright. There seems to be movement issues, something stagnating or not moving as quickly as you had hoped. Is this due to your own procrastination, or the fact that outer forces are to blame? Work out what you need to do and ensure that you act accordingly. It feels like time is of the essence right now, so be mindful that you can be too early or late with your offerings. A distinct MAYBE here but of course, you have the power to alter that.

Knight of Swords Marriage – Yes or No?

Knight of swords marriage yes or no

I hope you are ready, because action is coming! How exciting for you! If marriage is what you want, I have a feeling the message from our Knight is that you are going to succeed in committing with your soul. If you seek a proposal, this card is a strong indication that your soul has plans in place to make this happen very soon, and he is ready to sweep you off your feet. My dear, what good news for you. A very likely YES.

Knight of Swords Health – Yes or No?

It is possible to have a long period of time where you feel slumped. Nothing pushes you forward, nothing in particular is holding you back, but your batteries are running very low and you don’t have the oomph to proceed. The King of Swords rises in health readings when this is no longer the case. Your resting stage or illness has begun to diminish into your pat as you rise once more, eager to run into your future with a full body of vitality. A very positive message, and a probable YES for you, especially in conjunction with a beautifully charged full moon.

Knight of Swords Interpretation In A Practical Reading – Yes or No?

Knight of swords Yes or No Questions

The Knight of Swords gallops regularly towards me in practical readings. Some souls have wanted to share their question with you in the hope it can offer clarity.

“My boyfriend and I have been through so much, but I really want us to work on our future and take our relationship to the next level. Do you see a positive future for us?”

I see that your past has potentially been very difficult and a rocky road has got you here to me today. From what I am understanding both your soul and you as a team, have survived everything, and now you want to know if you stand a good chance of moving towards further commitment. The answer is already in your heart. If you are destined to be, then you soul is going to sweep you off his feet. Do you need to offer reassurance that you are in this as well? If so, offer it!

“I have a new boss, and I am worried that he will make some severe changes,such as job cuts. How likely am I to remain in my position ?”

Your new boss is going to want to make a lot of changes, but I don’t see any being for the worse. I actually see some real improvements here, as he encourages a better work ethic and perhaps new opportunities. He seems determined to succeed as he himself has a lot to prove, but you are not likely to be a pawn in his game, rather more useful. Remember to let yourself be known and reach out to offer help.

“If I were to consider moving house, perhaps something bigger, what are my chances of managing financially?”

Knowing you like I do, it was only a matter of time before you wanted bigger and better things, and what a time to do so! This is a clear message that you are going to find something that you fall in love with, and that you are going to make it work. You’ve worked extremely hard for what you already have, and now you are in a lucky position to step up the ladder. That isn’t something to be afraid of, that is a huge accomplishment. Congratulations, and enjoy house hunting!

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Lady Avalon of The Night

Majesty of the Rivers and Mists

I am Lady Avalon of The Night
A blessed being in disguise
My hair flows freely in the breeze
My guidance helps you feel at ease.

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