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Yes or No King of wands

The King Of Wands represents a strong, sometimes male communicator in your life, with a promising nod to creativity. Somebody around you is generously organized with their time and love, and this has a profound affect on you. As a largely positive card, it is a YES.

Upright King Of Wands – Yes or No?

King of wands tarot card meaning yes or no

The King Of Wands strikes me as somebody always looking to the future. We see in the image that he is even staring off into the horizon, thinking of what is to come and constantly seeking personal growth. Blue skies surround him hopefully, as he sits calmly holding his wand of creativity. How will he get there and what does he need to do in order to make it happen?

Like him, you are seeking innovative ways to manifest your dreams. You have what it takes to turn them into a reality, that’s for sure. You are dominating the present moment with your energetic thoughts and as far as you can see, problems can occur all they like because you will have each and every one under control, with your wisdom to right any wrong with ease. A powerful and likely YES is here for you.

King Of Wands Reversed – Yes or No?

King of wands reversed tarot card meaning yes or no

Well, I think I need to sit you down and ensure you are about to listen to what I have to say. I know you won’t like it, but I am not here to be liked, I am here to guide you. You are, yes, moving forward at a rapid speed. You have your goal in place and you are stopping for nothing. It seems though, somewhat selfish to not see the harm this can cause to those around you, and even yourself.

This my mean you have shut off from an important aspect of your life that needs attention. I don’t know if it is love, or family, or career that you are neglecting but you are certainly leaving it out in the rain whilst comforting everything else warmly by your fire. I think it’s time to realise that your fire is large enough to house it all. A likely NO, I am afraid.

King Of Wands Meaning for Love – Yes or No?

King of wands tarot card meaning for love yes or no

You have, or are about to, find a man who is in tune with his feelings. A soul comfortable in his own skin and able to communicate well with you when problems occur. Quite often we shut ourselves away during times of stress or worry, but this will not be the case here. A fiery soul is close by, I can feel the warmth! Love is indeed on the horizon, and it is going to be an adventure.

This soul coming your way is gentle and kind. They will understand your point of view, and take the time to listen and most importantly remember, what is important to you. This stands to reason that you will inspire each other with your loving hearts and for this, I only see a most likely YES for you.

King Of Wands Love Reversed – Yes or No?

King of wands reversed love yes or no

Wands represent fire signs. You could be looking at a Leo here with their magnetic energy, a Sagittarius with their stubborn heels in the ground, or an Aries with their ‘head in the clouds dreaming of you every day’ type love. The King Of Wands is a powerful connection to one of those signs, so either you or your soul are offering this fiery, protective love.

Consider the needs of others. You entered this soul connection because of love, and I know you are a true and honourable person, but you have indeed lost sight of that in favour of more impulsive desires. In doing so, you are hurting the one you love and that is only cause to cause more damage the longer this situation is left unresolved. This is not the actions of a noble King, and most certainly is cause for a likely NO here.

King Of Wands For Advice – Yes or No?

King of wands Advice Yes or No

At times, we get bogged down by problems that seem as if will never be solved. You can try everything but nothing seems to work. It’s almost like you are about to give up, when one day, something just clicks and it all falls into place. Right now you are surrounded by a real creative force of energy and that is going to carry you through any harder times you may encounter. You are definitely not seeing a problem as a negative, as any you meet are met with determination and your view of ‘the bigger picture.’ A probable YES is on the cards for you.

King Of Wands Meaning For Advice Reversed – Yes or No?

King of wands reversed advice yes or no

You are on a mission, and it is likely you will land in hot water. I don’t believe this was your intention, to create a little drama along your merry way, but that is what is promising to be happening right now. I don’t want to see ‘life’ get the better of you in your quest for success here. The advice right now is to step back and reassess everything. Missions are hurtful if they are done without due care or course, I want the opposite for all my souls. Strip away all pride and selfishness currently blocking your heart and remember what truly matters. Start there. I don’t see anything other than a likely NO for you here but there is hope, especially surrounded by a Queen card.

King Of Wands Marriage – Yes or No?

King of wands marriage yes or no

The King Of Wands is a very loving a nurturing man. He is open with his feelings, loves to share his thoughts with you and is a loyal provider. He will love and protect you for always, so marriage here is a great indicator of everlasting joy and peace between two souls. An ideal way to perceive this type of love would be to imagine two elderly people on a moonlight stroll, holding hands and listening to the gentle waves lapping the shore. If you met somebody now who promised that for you in years to come, then marriage is something most certainly likely for you. A probable YES here.

King Of Wands Career – Yes or No?

Many cards do not ask you to take a chance, in fact some quite the opposite. The King Of Wands is one of the first in line when it comes to taking chances. He sees your fiery passion and he wants to encourage you to ignite your dreams and go forth to make them a reality. He asks you to stick with your instincts, so if you have had that slight niggling feeling to apply for a more empowering or creative role, then this is your destiny calling! If it is truly something you believe in, then you must at the very least try. In a career reading, the King Of Wands offers you a most likely YES.

King Of Wands Interpretation In A Practical Reading – Yes or No?

King of wands Yes or No Questions

The King Of Wands is a strong man to appear in any practical reading. Here are a few examples.

“My son is due to start school next week. Will he be OK?”

Seeing your children start anything new is awfully daunting, especially when it is so out of our hands. I have a feeling he will be guided by a special soul in school, and will be lovingly looked after and introduced to the rest of his class. He is most likely feeling a little nervous but that energy will soon turn into excitement as he realises school is about being creative and in an environment where friends surround him. It also means you get a little time to yourself and to focus on any dreams or goals you may have in order to enrich your future. Start making those lists because they look likely to be a success!

“I want a more sociable hobby. What should I go for?”

The King Of Wands certainly thinks you need to take on a hobby that involves being around other people. He has appeared perhaps because you lead an otherwise fairly solitary lifestyle, one that doesn’t allow you to make friends or be in a situation of chat and laughter with others similar to you. To go forth into a new hobby can seem daunting but should be perceived as exciting! Perhaps you should take a look online or on your local notice boards where you live to see if there are any fun groups that take your interest and go from there. Good luck!

“I’ve been asked to write a play for the local theatre group. Is this something I should consider or pass to another?”

One thing the King Of Wands is known for is his creative flair and ambition, which I think is why he has shown himself here to you today. To be asked to write something like this proves your talent is higher than average, and you should be proud of that! For a start, have you the time? The King thinks so, and sees this opportunity as a great creative outlet for you. I don’t see any reason in this reading why it would be a bad idea and it could even lead to future opportunities!

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Lady Avalon of The Night

Majesty of the Rivers and Mists

I am Lady Avalon of The Night
A blessed being in disguise
My hair flows freely in the breeze
My guidance helps you feel at ease.

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