The 5 of wands represents conflict and arguments. The 5 of wands is a no card. In love, this card implies conflicts and a lack of understanding from both parts. Competition can create some tension at work. Be aware of injuries related to sports. Unable to follow your heart due to the negative energy around you. Find peace within yourself to unveil the path in front of you.
“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”
Mahatma Gandhi
Upright 5 of Wands, is it a Yes or No Card?

The 5 of Wands is not a very positive card to receive when seeking for an answer. This is a no card. This card signifies conflicts with the people in your life. It’s normal to experience a lack of control due to the amount of frustration that you are experiencing. Even though this card can represent the conflict with others, the 5 of wands can also imply that you are in conflict with yourself. Perhaps dealing with your own inner battles will help you to help resolve the arguments with others. Remember that there’s always peace after a battle.
Reversed 5 of Wands, is it a Yes or No Card?

The reversed 5 of wands is surprisingly a positive card. This is a yes card. The 5 of wands implies the ending of struggle; there seems to be a solution for the feuds that you have been experiencing. You can finally find peace after a lot of struggles. It’s also possible that you have found yourself tired of continuing with the rows and just want to surrender and find peace. You are now able to see more things with more clarity, which will allow you to have more energy and a more positive approach.
Upright 5 of Wands, Yes or No for Love?

When asking for a love question, the 5 of wands is a no card. There is a lot of misunderstandings within your relationship. You are unable to see eye-to-eye, which can create a lot of misconceptions. Some couples thrive in intense relationships, with lots of conflicts. However, this is not a suitable place for most couples, so try to resolve any disputes with a calming attitude. When it comes to relationships, compromising is always a way to resolve any rows within a relationship. If you are single, then this card implies that more than one person is romantically interested in you. Perhaps this is a little flattering, but you should put a stop to this, or else it might turn into an ugly situation.
Reversed 5 of Wands, Yes or No for Love?

The 5 of wands implies the end of a rough patch in your relationship. This is a yes card. The 5 of wands signifies that the rows in your relationship have reached an end. You have both came a mutual solution to fix your issues. Possibly one of you has also learned how to manage your temperament. Although you might have been through a rough time in your relationship, this has made your bond stronger and taught you both how to deal with stressful situations as a couple.
Upright 5 of Wands, Yes or No as Advice?

The 5 of wands is a no card. There is a lot of conflict around you. This can make you feel overwhelmed and not know what to do, which might develop into a lack of control. This card can also represent the battle that you have going on within yourself. There are multiple goals that you want to accomplish, but you are unsure about how to start. You may feel like you are being pulled and pushed towards too many different places at once, and this can be very unsettling and frustrating. Try to make sense of what you want and try to overcome the chaos in your life.
Reversed 5 of Wands, Yes or No as Advice?

The reversed 5 of wands is a yes card. You are now entering a peaceful stage in your life. The stressful moments are now behind you. You can now relax and stop worrying so much about a confrontation with others. Lately, you have been feeling exhausted, so now is a good time to reflect and envision what you want. You have been going around in circles to resolve other people’s needs, as well as your own, but you have now reached a time where you can focus on what you want to do and follow a plan.
Upright 5 of Wands, Yes or No for Break-up or Divorce?

The answer behind the 5 of wands is a no. There are no signs of a divorce or break-up. However, there is a lot of tension in your relationship, which can be explained by the clash of personalities. You are both on top of each other’s nerves. Avoid centering your needs above the other person; you are both equal parts in your relationship. Compromising is one of the most important elements of making any relationship work. Remember that there is another person in the relationship with you. Although you are going through a rough patch, there is hope. This is a temporary phase, and there is light at the end of the tunnel.
Reversed 5 of Wands, Yes or No for Break-up or Divorce?
The reversed 5 of wands is a positive answer to your question, but the answer to your question is uncertain. This is mainly because the future of your relationship depends on your actions today, meaning that the 5 of wands can guide you, but you must take action. Even though you have found a solution to your problems, there is a possibility that the issues in your relationship are more profound than just a few resolved disagreements. It seems that some anger issues are lurking around your relationship, which should be fixed straight away. If you are in a dangerous relationship, take action, reach out to friends, family, or a professional. Suppressing those fears will only make matters worse.
Upright 5 of Wands, Yes or No for Business Decision?
The 5 of wands is the worst omen for your career, but it’s also one of the best, so there is hope. This is mostly a no card. There is a very competitive environment at work. Personalities may clash. You may have to work extremely hard to reach what you want; it might be a project or a new client. You will find success in your quest, but you will need to try your very best as you are competing with others who are extremely good at their job as well.
Reversed 5 of Wands, Yes or No for Business Decision?
The reversed 5 of wands expresses a mostly positive answer. This is a yes card. Conflicts at work are now past you, and your team appears to be stronger than ever. This is good news as you might need to work as a team for a major project. This will, of course, have a very positive outcome, but only if there is a team effort. It would be best if you didn’t hold back or be fearful of sharing your ideas at work.
Samples of 5 of Wands, Yes or No interpretation in a practical Tarot reading

Here are some samples of the most asked questions.
“My life feels like chaos right now. There are so many things going wrong right now. Is it possible that I am cursed?” – Lisa
The 5 of wands is a no card. You are not cursed, but you are juggling too much at the same time, and while trying to please others is a noble thing to do, there are moments where you should slow down. You can’t do everything at once, and there is a possibility that you are in battle within yourself. It would help if you resolved your inner conflicts to realize which path to take from the outside.
“Should I break up with my boyfriend?” – Kelly
Your relationship is at a very vulnerable place right now. The 5 of wands implies that you are not heading for a breakup. The bad phase that you are finding yourself right now is not permanent. You will find a solution to your problems, and you are both going to overcome your own issues. A compromise might be the solution to resolve any disagreements.
“The atmosphere at work is horrible. I wish I could quit, but I don’t have another job yet. What should I do with my career?”-Hailey
The answer to your question is no. It would be best if you didn’t quit your job. The 5 of wands expresses tension at work and some clashes, but it also implies success on your behalf. Use the fear and frustration in your favor and work hard to achieve what you want. Sometimes you need to prove yourself to make yourself known to others. You have it in you.
“My boyfriend has blocked me on social media and is not responding to my texts. Will he forgive me soon?”- Caroline
The reversed 5 of wands is a yes card. It seems like your fights have reached an end. However, it is clear that your boyfriend got his feeling hurt. Even though you have resolved the issues, it might be wise to understand why those problems arose in the first place and what you can do to avoid the same issues in the future. Forgiveness is possible, but if you want to maintain this relationship, there is work to be done. Make sure that you both commit yourselves to improve your relationship and listen to each other.

Queen Isabella
Her Majesty Tarot Queen
I read the cards with my eyes closed and my heart open. I don’t sugarcoat the truth. After all, I’m not only known for my royal blood but also for my royal honesty.