The Hermit is an arcane Tarot card that helps you to explore your inner self. Its combinations with the other tarot cards should give you insights into your life : Are you on the right track ? Is love for you what it is supposed to be? Are you happy with your job and career?
There are three Hermit combination cards below. Shuffle and turn them. The seclusive Hermit will listen to your, attentively.
(For the full list of the Hermit pairs and their meanings click here.)
- The first card will give you a hint of what you might have missed in your PAST.
- The second card is all about your inner condition NOW.
- The third card will give you an intuitive glimpse of the FUTURE.
This is it for today, traveler.
Come again tomorrow.
May your path of self-discovery be full of pleasant surprises. May the Hermit’s spiritual strength shield you from anxiety and worries. May you find splendid harmony and balance in your life.

Reading of The Hermit Combinations with your own cards.
Tarot reading often works better when you do it with real tarot cards. When you own them, touch them, and have a personal relationship with your deck – you leave a trace of your soul in those cards.
If you’d like to read the Hermit combinations with your own deck, here is what you should do :
- First – Shut out the external world. Set aside 5 or 10 minutes of time in a calm environment where you would not be disturbed. You might make yourself a cup of tea too. This reading should be absolutely your personal time. It is all about you and nobody else.
- Second – Find the Hermit card in your deck and set it aside. This is the master card for this reading. It is a symbol that you’d like to explore your inner self.
- Third – Shuffle your deck slowly and thoroughly. Then – discard the top card of the deck and put the next three cards before you. Those three cards are glimpses into your PAST, your NOW, and your FUTURE.
- Fourth – Look-up the meanings of Hermit combinations in the list below. These are tarot hints for your intuition. Do you find something that you recognize? Do you find something that resonates with your soul? Let your imagination and intuition flow. That’s the most important part of this Tarot reading.
- Fifth – If you are not happy with the cards you had drawn – you may try another reading. However, we strongly advise to make a break between two readings.
- Sixth – After the reading – give yourself a little reward (a bite of chocolate, perhaps? Or a sip of wine?). Say “thank you” to your Tarot deck and hide it until your next journey into yourself. A journey into your past, into your present and into your future. That’s what Tarot is all about.
The Hermit and The Fool
The Hermit and The Fool represent having what it takes inside you to progress, but remembering to do so with a good balance of planning and fun.
Life: Balance, fairness, tact, intuition, innocence
Love: Know when to have fun and be serious, playful moods, new love, curious
Career: New job or career, feeling excited about new projects, studying hard, planning aspects of work
Health: False starts in progress, needing to find balance, ensuring you are taking care of yourself
Where progress is to be made and journeys to start, it is wise to look at your path ahead with both a wise head and a young heart.
The Hermit and The Magician
The Hermit and The Magician represent a very spiritual time in your life that is about to manifest in ways you never imagined.
Life: Opportunities, promising time ahead, balance, shifts in life
Love: New love, determination in love, motivated to unite souls
Career: Success, knowledge, new skills, lone working, potential new business
Health: Clear on goals, wanting a fresh start, taking care of yourself, inner work
A magical time is coming to play for you, with all the stars aligned for a successful journey to your goals.
The Hermit and The High Priestess
The Hermit and The High Priestess are a powerful match, representing strong intuition and inner strength used only for the good of yourself and others.
Life: Intuition, psychic abilities, comfortable in your own skin
Love: Strong connections, confident in love, passionate lover
Career: Positive role model, passing your skills to others, quiet yet strong
Health: Meditation, yoga, walking or running alone, powerful inner work
What a force of nature you are. Passionate to exceed in all aspects of your life, you are your own nurturer of your soul, and nobody can stop you.
The Hermit and The Empress
The Hermit and The Empress represent being connected to your soul, creating a sensual being of confidence and creativity.
Life: Creative, devoted, planner, strong foundations
Love: Secure lover, caring in love, loyal, positive in unity
Career: Caring role, putting heart and soul into projects, proud of your role
Health: Meditation, healthy eater, strong believer in inner work
You spend a great deal of time caring for yourself and ensuring you are healthy enough to help others. You are a character of spirit and enhancement.
The Hermit and The Emperor
The Hermit and The Emperor represent a structured time in your life, where planning is going to get you far and distraction may slow your journey.
Life: Protective, structured, planner, wise
Love: Traditional, honourable, stable lover
Career: Meticulous planner, transferable skills, likes to know everything afore making decisions
Health: Strict with regimes, disciplined, sticks to plans, focuses on areas of weakness
You know what you want, and you set out to achieve it. You have a kind spirited heart with no malice, but you like to offer determination to challenges.
The Hermit and The Hierophant
The Hermit and The Hierophant retreat together to reflect on morals and beliefs. They unite well in alone times, seeking new ways through old beliefs.
Life: Tradition, religion, spirituality, morals, focus
Love: Warm heart, person of tradition, safe lover, loyal, private
Career: Enjoys rules and systems, doesn’t like to take risks, good mentor
Health: Spiritual practice, well being important, meditation, applies faith over logic
A person of good faith and a strong moral compass, you seek only what you want to and in ways that enlighten you like never afore.
The Hermit and The Lovers
The Hermit and The Lovers represent you taking some time away to consider your choices. Both mean a great deal to you, but you must prioritise one.
Life: Choices, potential loneliness, confusing time
Love: Choosing between two souls, wanting a strong bond, needing to meet your match
Career: New opportunities, potential job offer, decisions to be made
Health: Wanting to do it all but not prioritising one thing, too much on your plate, needing to withdraw and find calm
Where choices are a plenty it is often the way to grab all we can. Your calling now is to find some alone time and decide what really matters to you.
The Hermit and The Chariot
The Hermit and The Chariot represent a strong belief in what you want and how you are going to achieve it. Success awaits for those who take their time.
Life: Success, travel, steady and strong, victorious
Love: Admired by many, confident lover, knows what you want, takes your time
Career: Loves structure, likes to plan and learn, uses skills wisely
Health: Strong fitness, determined to achieve goals, knowledgable with the body and mind
Here you are in all your glory, outshining your last goal and heading towards bigger and brighter achievements. You love to learn and use your skills for getting you on the next step.
The Hermit and Strength
The Hermit and Strength together exude inner power like no other duo. You have travelled a long, spiritual path and are a compassionate, patient soul.
Life: Confident, patient, calm, instinctive
Love: Confident lover, stable, attractive in body and mind
Career: Inspirational, compassionate leader, confident in your abilities
Health: Mind and body in balance, lot of time for yourself, works hard to keep a healthy soul
There isn’t time for a single drop of worry here, with intuition and self belief leading the way to victory for a kind hearted and practical pair.
The Hermit and The Wheel Of Fortune
The Hermit and The Wheel Of Fortune represent an inner journey of discovery and healing. This bodes well for you when times get tough.
Life: Life cycles, healing, recovery, new beginnings, learning something new
Love: Endings and beginnings, feeling alone, temporary changes
Career: Changes in mood at work, sensing disruption, noticeable desire to work alone
Health: Potential uphill climb, obstacles in the way, needing to view life differently and recharge
There may be times you feel alone and other times you simply want to be alone. Either way, you you use your time wisely and know this feeling won’t last long, you will see a new dawn.
The Hermit and Justice
The Hermit and Justice together offer you a chance to seek clarity in a situation that has caused you to retreat.
Life: Learning truths, discussing law or fairness with another party, studying your rights
Love: An end to a marriage possibly divorce, discovering your rights
Career: Wanting to walk away from a job, unfair dismissal, potential immoral activities within your workplace
Health: Needing to re evaluate your health, wanting to learn new practices
When something doesn’t seem fair, it often isn’t. This is where we need to take a step back, asses the picture as a whole, and learn ways to cope with the changes.
The Hermit and The Hanged Man
The Hermit and The Hanged Man don’t like to meet in a reading. There is conflict in your mind about your next step, creating hesitance.
Life: Conflicting thoughts and actions, uncertainty, intellect
Love: Unsure on what you want, needing to make a choice but holding off
Career: Slacking at work, losing your momentum, making excuses to not complete work
Health: Looking at your health from a different angle, wanting to erase your bad habits, procrastinating
You can most certainly take your time in life, after all a rushed plan never ends well. What about the other end of the scale? Don’t take too long.
The Hermit and Death
The Hermit and Death walk in unison towards a most exciting new venture. Together they have all it takes for a hopeful blank page of wonder.
Life: New beginning, shedding old skin, enlightenment, transformation
Love: Seeing love in a new light, a new love, offering a deep connection
Career: Job offer or promotion, new opportunities, positive progress
Health: Connecting to your spiritual self, physical and mental transformation
This is an incredibly exciting time for you as you walk away from a closed door with more intellect and lessons learned than afore.
The Hermit and Temperance
The Hermit and Temperance Represent a very harmonious and balanced mind, coping well with all the challenges they face.
Life: Resilience, charm, inner strength, considerate
Love: Considerate lover, comforting, counting your blessings, a steady progression to long term commitment
Career: A welcome team member, a lot to offer, inspirational, studious, wise in your teachings
Health: Takes good care of your well being, very balanced in body and mind, continues to look for ways to improve
What a gentle soul you have , with your kindness and force keeping unmanageable stress and anxieties at bay.
The Hermit and The Devil
The Hermit and The Devil walk alone but only one is considered lonely. You must observe your life and find balance.
Life: Materialistic, lonely, lacks warmth, addiction and solitude
Love: Self sabotage, toxic, uncaring yet aware of your misgivings
Career: Destructive, unreliable worker, feeling trapped yet holds the cards to change that
Health: Refuses to make any positive changes, too wrapped up in yourself, ailing physical and mental health, offers of help refused
Confident you are as you stroll through life, remember to take some time alone to count your blessings and re centre yourself from time to time.
The Hermit and The Tower
The Hermit and The Tower represent huge changes coming and the preparation for such.
Life: Preparation, sudden change, chaos, seeing the tranquillity
Love: Sudden break up, loss, drama, pausing to prevent further damage, taking a break
Career: Job loss, pay cut, mistakes at work, needing to go through your work with a fine tooth comb, being reminded to remain calm
Health: Sudden illness or injury, working too hard, needing to shift to a more mentally focused way of life
You are being called to both acknowledge the chaos around you as well as the delicate light of hope that you have the power to turn into a much brighter guide to calmer seas.
The Hermit and The Star
The Hermit and The Star together represent the birth of new hope and renewed energy that you have worked so hard to charge.
Life: Feeling energised, good news, inner strength, pride
Love: Balanced lover, fair and energetic force, faith in new habits remaining
Career: Studied hard and reaping rewards, financial outlook fantastic, very well earned recognition
Health: Feeling healthily energised, looks after yourself, eats well, realistic goals
You have taken the time you needed to regain both clarity and energy after a long hard journey. You are now ready to bless others wit your light.
The Hermit and The Moon
The Hermit and The Moon both stand in the darkness, unsure of the path afore them. Is it clear or are your own hopes and anxieties shrouding your view?
Life: Uncertainty, lettings things get to you, trusting yourself
Love: Unsure of your feelings or those of others, being scared t commit, worried about betrayal
Career: Finding and using your intuition, trusting those you work for, taking chances
Health: Low moods leading to low motivation, needing to rise above fear for a healthier way of living
You may feel alone with your fears, but your fears only have power if you give it to them. Be bigger than your worries and you will gain control.
The Hermit and The Sun
The Hermit and The Sun offer those who walk amongst them the radiating light of beauty and light. You feel alive and enthusiastic to share your hopes with others.
Life: Attractive force, keen to share ideas,excited for a new beginning
Love: Caring, a good listener, inspires lovers to be their best
Career: Soaring career, deserved recognition, exams passed and skills polished
Health: Energetic, consistent, prefers to be alone in practice
You have a sensible head on your shoulders that has ignited the flame of success. You use this to share your passion with those around you,
The Hermit and Judgement
The Hermit and Judgement prepare for a big moment that lies ahead. Has all your hard work been for nothing?
Life: Strength, ability in the face of adversity, renewed hope
Love: Redemption, putting mistakes behind you, learning to love again
Career: Coming back from a tough time, new opportunities, belief in yourself
Health: Long journey ahead, strength, hope to feel energised soon, wise decisions
You have walked an uneven path that may have left you feeling tired and empty. You have a new chance here to turn your life around. The World is waiting…
The Hermit and The World
The Hermit and The World represent the celebration of a vast amount of hard work, with arduous times coming to an end.
Life: Celebrations, new found energy, connections, being in control
Love: A proposal, a reconciliation, grateful for your soul
Career: Interviews or offers, a new business venture taking off, fulfilling goals with your skills
Health: Very spiritual, likes to work on your weaknesses, practises meditation
You must take the credit for all the hard work now behind you. Celebrate far and wide with those who have been supportive of your quests!
The Hermit and Ace Of Cups
The Hermit and the Ace Of Cups represent the preparation in unison for adventures new.
Life: Contemplating a new chapter, emotional recharge, new depths
Love: Thinking about commitment, planning a wedding, rekindling a dying flame
Career: New job hopes, surpassing expectation in exams, applying your knowledge to a new project
Health: Getting rid of old habits, studying better ways to live, positive affirmations leading to positive change
A great combination to see when you want to be in charge of your own destiny! This duo work in harmony.
The Hermit and Two Of Cups
The Hermit and the Two Of Cups symbolises a momentary pause afore the manifestation of a union.
Life: Awaiting positive change, preparing yourself for new love, investing time into a partnership
Love: Waiting for the right moment, using your wisdom to build a foundation, taking love seriously
Career: Starting a new business with another, ensuring all paperwork is up to date and correct, using your intuition to guide you with others
Health: Finding balance with your mental and physical health, working them together to create a new and improved you
A promising road lies ahead and you can see the love afore you. Your next steps are exciting and full of love.
The Hermit and Three Of Cups
The Hermit and the Three Of Cups represents recognising yourself as a person who has led others to celebrate you.
Life: Working hard, achieving goals, being centre of attention in celebrations
Love: Taking positive steps, improving relations, celebrating a new chapter
Career: Focusing on a project that is a success, using your skills and time to perfect your craft, forming strong morals at work that inspire others
Health: Calm serenity, improving self confidence, a new focus
When you spend time alone, it doesn’t represent loneliness or procrastination. You are have been working behind the scenes and now is the time to celebrate your achievements.
The Hermit and Four Of Cups
The Hermit and the Four Of Cups together represent using your down time to plan and not wallow.
Life: Struggling to see the positives, wanting to be left alone, not using your time wisely
Love: Wanting space, feeling fed up, needing to count your blessings
Career: Taking a step back, wondering if you could be happier in a new job, not seeing the joy in your work
Health: Wanting to change but doing little about it, feeling sorry for yourself, knowing what needs to be done but delaying
You cannot move forward with negative thoughts. You have the potential here, but you are the one in control of your destiny.
The Hermit and Five Of Cups
The Hermit and the Five Of Cups together represent apprehensiveness in moving forward after loss.
Life: Overcoming loss, feeling displaced, not knowing which direction to go next
Love: Dealing with a break up, feeling lost in love, missing old times
Career: Feeling out of place, wishing for more, wanting an old skill reignited
Health: Bad habits returning, losing willpower, thinking about how to tackle your health but lacking the spirit to do so
There is much to be said about loss, and for that it deserves its place in time. You need momentum and you cannot rely on anybody else for this.
The Hermit and Six Of Cups
The Hermit and the Six Of Cups guide you home to heal and as you do, you reflect on many a thing.
Life: Reflecting on recent events, being guided home, remembering what matters
Love: Remembering why you fell in love, wanting to make things right, healing
Career: Finding joy once more, doing more of what you love, learning from mistakes
Health: Not repeating old habits, finding new ways to be healthy, growing in reflection
A hopeful combination sees a fruitful future. Together, a redeeming time for you is on its way.
The Hermit and Seven Of Cups
The Hermit and the Seven Of Cups are asking you to stop and think carefully about the choices afore you.
Life: Choices, choosing wisely, taking your time
Love: More than one potential lover, not rushing into decisions, thinking about what is right
Career: Career choices, possible multiple job offers, outweighing pros and cons
Health: Wanting a change overhaul but needing to start with one thing, priorities, take it steady
Choices in abundance seems like a good thing but if you make rash decisions, you are likely to be unable to return them with ease.
The Hermit and Eight Of Cups
The Hermit and the Eight Of Cups represent taking a moment to release old habits and build your inner dialogue positively.
Life: Shedding old skin, reflecting on times afore, making way for a new you
Love: Being aware of bad habits, forming better ones , compromising in love
Career: Thinking about job hunting, leaving a job that makes you unhappy, thinking about where to go next
Health: Forming new and healthy habits, cutting out bad foods, being inspired to explore your spirituality alone
It is a great time to seek ways new, and with the ability of doing that alone, you can focus well.
The Hermit and Nine Of Cups
The Hermit and the Nine Of Cups represent working alone and celebrating with others.
Life: Working alone, wanting to celebrate your success with others, being mindful of your intuition
Love: Working on improving your dialogue in love, getting over events of the past ready for a celebration
Career: Solo projects, meeting goals and achieving news of celebration
Health: Training alone, joining a gym, working on your weaknesses
You have had a strong start in hard work and as you reap the rewards you are ready to face your loved ones and show off your achievements.
The Hermit and Ten Of Cups
The Hermit and the Ten Of Cups sees you working hard to use your positive nature in the wider community, be it with loved ones of in the work place.
Life: Energetic times ahead after a period of reflection, inspiring others, surprising others
Love: Ready to take the next step, creating a stable foundation based on hard inner work
Career: A natural progression in to a better role, inspiring colleagues, finding new meaning in your work
Health: Inspiring others to work on their mental or physical health, celebrating your success with others
A proud moment comes from when The Hermit and the Ten Of Cups collide. A joyous time to achieve new things!
The Hermit and Page Of Cups
The Hermit and the Page Of Cups prepare each other for a new beginning, gaining glorious energy along the way.
Life: New beginnings, energy, value in what you want to achieve
Love: Taking the time to express your love, thinking about what matters, wanting a new start
Career: Thinking about studying again, thinking outside the box, going with your gut
Health: Expressing your spirituality, using your confidence to get you fit
A fun time The Hermit and the Page Of Cups have together. One compliments the other to create new visions and imagination becoming reality.
The Hermit and Knight Of Cups
The Hermit and the Knight Of Cups represent problem solving stemming from your inner soul.
Life: Problem solving, being tactile, high intuition
Love: Preparing for love, wanting to take your time, go with your heart
Career: Diplomacy, using this to suit those you work with, thinking afore you speak
Health: Taking your time, ensuring you do it the right way, not the quick way, lots of inner spiritual work
A spiritual combination ensures for a fantastic time to both realise and use your intuition without pressure of others.
The Hermit and Queen Of Cups
The Hermit and the Queen Of Cups together hold a lot of love in their hearts. Their intuition seeks deep connections.
Life: Deep spirituality, connection to inner self, being on your own
Love: Seeking deep ways to connect with your soul, keeping promises, strength
Career: Working alone, find a career that helps others, empathic roles
Health: Inner work, spirituality, keeping your own promises
This loving pair go hand in hand when it comes to working to improve and strengthen your own soul. Gloriously deep connections await.
The Hermit and King Of Cups
The Hermit and the King Of Cups represent the awareness of emotions and taking the time to find tranquil peace amongst the chaos.
Life: Choosing peace over noise, keeping calm balance within yourself, using time wisely
Love: Wanting a strong partnership, choosing to wait for the right soul, strong morals in love
Career: Admiration in the work place, a pillar of strength for your team, harmonious aura creating a peaceful work place
Health: Dedicated to your plans, responsible for your own actions
A strong pair are these, with their confidence in solitude exuding from their hearts and minds.
The Hermit and Ace Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Ace Of Pentacles represent a very studious pair. You have studied, you have paused and built on what you need to, ready for a new beginning.
Life: Beginning stages, new financial opportunities, exciting times ahead
Love: Meeting somebody financially stable, working together in career and love, privilege in knowledge
Career: Exciting times ahead, beginning stages of a new career, doing too much
Health: Not taking good care of yourself, thinking introspectively about your health, ignoring warning signs
You are potentially stretching yourself fairly thinly as you go about your new adventures. Remember this is supposed to be an exciting time, rather than a rushed moment in your current life.
The Hermit and Two Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Two Of Pentacles together want you to remember that you cannot juggle so many things at once and to spend time focusing on what truly matters.
Life: Too much going on at once, refocus your energy, questioning morals and beliefs
Love: Make good decisions instead of trying to please everyone at the same time, compromising, learning the act of patience and value
Career: Work towards what matters, making a list of priorities, don’t stress over what you cannot control
Health: Don’t work on too much at the same tie, let your intuition guide you to areas needing improvement
You can have more than one thing going on at the same time, but they must be high on your list of priorities and you should give them your attention and energy.
The Hermit and Three Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Three Of Pentacles want to remind you that whilst it is beneficial to spend time alone, you cannot achieve everything in solitude.
Life: Finding balance, learning to accept help, planning in the process
Love: Coming together to work on home projects, offerings ideas you have thought of to make your time better together
Career: Pooling ideas, having your own stance on projects, putting your skills across to those who may seek them
Health: Teaching somebody close to you your ways of keeping fit, reaching out to help others who need support, forming a fitness or mindfulness group
When you can bring your skills to the table, what happens is a meeting of minds turn into a rather satisfying group of skills ready and willing to form a showstopping team!
The Hermit and Four Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Four Of Pentacles represent a force that at times can be wise, with the potential to block movement or progress.
Life: Wise, unprepared to shift, jealousy, stubbornness
Love: Standing your ground in love, not compromising, guarding your heart
Career: Not willing to work as a team, keeping your projects for yourself, earning good fortune
Health: Not listening to advice, being aware of your vices, denial
You aren’t going to progress in any area of your life unless you open your heart. The knowledge is there, do not ignore what you are being called to do.
The Hermit and Five Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Five Of Pentacles are a lone pair, facing desolation yet not able to see the light afore them.
Life: Feeling sorry for yourself, not seeing hope, calls to tune into your intuition
Love: Self isolation after loss, unable to move on, not thinking logically
Career: Sadness in your role, unwilling to see the good, wanting change
Health: Low mood, anxiety, ignoring your intuition to heal and improve
There comes a time when we must put our pain behind us and seek a new dawn. You mustn’t pause for long, for being stuck is harder to change.
The Hermit and Six Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Six Of Pentacles have thought long and hard about what matters and how their money can help others.
Life: Generous, thoughtful, lone workers, strong in character
Love: Plenty of time for your soul, thinking wisely about what matters, enjoying treating your soul
Career: A good mentor, offering your knowledge generously, helping others
Health: Focusing too much on others, neglecting your own needs, needing to find yourself and notice where improvements need to be made
I love how you look outward at all times, helping those in distress or need. What about you? Underneath your guise here is a pool of wisdom that you could use some of yourself.
The Hermit and Seven Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Seven Of Pentacles represents taking your time and studying or working hard to ensure fruit of your labour.
Life: Hard work, focus, determination, drive, frustration
Love: Wanting to fix problems, focusing on long term, needing to show more emotion
Career: Setting goals, stick to plans, not allowing frustration to win
Health: Frustration surrounding current health, needing to make some changes, feeling inclined to have a health check up
When things don’t go as fast as you would hope, it is better to divert your energy to goals rather than give up altogether.
The Hermit and Eight Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Eight Of Pentacles represent the mastering of a craft and working hard to ensure success. You don’t need others to help you with this.
Life: Working your finest, determination, grit, a successful force
Love: Growing closer together, using your alone time for inner work, improving relations
Career: Studying hard and using your talent, being noticed for good, potential promotion or new business
Health: Thinking of new way to improve your health, trying and testing what works for you, success in fitness
With a determined heart, you can achieve anything. You have racked up the knowledge and you use it to progress in life.
The Hermit and Nine Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Nine Of Pentacles represent an incredibly independent soul who does not need much from others. You are a hard and gracious worker.
Life: Filled with gratitude, strong, confident, independent
Love: Confident lover, likes to have your own identity, needs to reassure those they love
Career: Hard worker, likes to make improvements in the work place, likely to be a boss or manager
Health: Enjoying your health, taking good care of yourself, meeting your physical and emotional needs
Confident you are as you stroll through life, remember to take some time alone to count your blessings and re centre yourself from time to time.
The Hermit and Ten Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Ten Of Pentacles represent lone inner work, recalling important family tradition.
Life: Healing past issues, studying towards a family business, taking your time
Love: Stable in love, sensible in actions, reassuring lover
Career: Setting strong goals, working toward success, assessing your priorities
Health: Being mindful of your weaknesses, planning improvements, thinking outside the box
Something is calling you to look inside yourself. You may be handed a baton soon, or needing to readjust to present ways.
The Hermit and Page Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Page Of Pentacles are working together behind the scenes in order to achieve great things.
Life: Feeling energised, excited about your next step, ambitious
Love: Strong silent type, confident and reassuring, doesn’t like to make a fuss
Career: Setting your motions on track, preparing for an exciting journey, knowing what you need to do in order to become successful
Health: Planning a new regime, change in diet or fitness, setting goals, excited for your journey
Noise doesn’t have to be made with this pair as they silently stride forward, ready to achieve all their hearts desire!
The Hermit and Knight Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Knight Of Pentacles like to take their time. Their destination is on the horizon, but they do not believe that a shortcut would suffice.
Life: Steady progress, pausing to reflect, efficiently committed to success
Love: Loyal, careful in choosing your soul, a strong lover, traditional beliefs
Career: Reliable, knowledgable, positive thinker, strong and secure in your position
Health: Sticking to plans, working hard to be the best you, consistent in good habits
With a strong head on your shoulders, you are not likely to falter with ease. Your identity is strong as you inspire others.
The Hermit and Queen Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the Queen Of Pentacles represent the uniting of plans and strength, using your honourable skills to stereologically plan your next step.
Life: Strength, confidence, planner, avoids distraction
Love: Thinking ahead, positive soul to unite with, caring nature
Career: Great at planning, likes to move up the ladder, sets goals, studies hard
Health: Sets achievable goals, likes to keep healthy, energetic
You are eager to step forward when the time is right, knowing you have strong plan in place and the inner power to tackle challenges as they appear afore you.
The Hermit and King Of Pentacles
The Hermit and the King Of Pentacles are an encouraging pair, representing strength and kindness. You inspire others with your aptitude for knowledge.
Life: Knowledgable, kind yet strong, confident, inspiring
Love: Slow and steady, loyal, strong lover, secure in love
Career: Good mentor, great at helping others find their way, secure in yourself, good communicator
Health: Clear with your desires, strong goals, likes to take your time
With the strength coming from this force, you are bound to succeed and show others just how easy it is to plan and win.
The Hermit and Ace Of Wands
The Hermit and the Ace Of Wands represent taking the time to reflect on recent offer or opportunities. You want to get it right.
Life: New beginnings, offers, thinking afore you take action
Love: Possible commitments, new offers, perusing your options carefully
Career: New job offers, exciting chances to learn or train, studying alone
Health: Seeing a possibility to improve your mental or physical health, reading health books, finding yourself starting a new journey
You only really need you to start a new chapter. What comes within this, is out of your control but most welcome.
The Hermit and Two Of Wands
The Hermit and the Two Of Wands represent a path that may be alone, but one that is filled with opportunity and light.
Life: Organisation, a new start, working on your goals
Love: Planning to revive a relationship, making progress in love
Career: Being ready to move closer to your goals, achieving new and innovative things at work
Health: Ready to set personal goals, a new regime, stepping out of your comfort zone at your own pace
You are in a place of beauty as you not only think, but plan your way to happiness. You don’t mind how long it takes.
The Hermit and Three Of Wands
The Hermit and the Three Of Wands works hard to iron out old habits in favour of newer ones. These are far more likely to carry you in your journey ahead.
Life: Working hard, making good progress, laying foundations
Love: Gaining strength in love, working on trust issues, wanting a better future
Career: Studying for a more senior role, looking at ways to improve your work life
Health: Thinking about how to make improvements to your life, being more mindful, inner work
You are most certainly heading in the right direction, but you don’t need a team of people to get you there.
The Hermit and Four Of Wands
The Hermit and the Four Of Wands together find their way home, needing that moment of reflection afore a joyous homecoming.
Life: Inner work coming to an end, wanting to show your loved ones your progress
Love: Planning to commit, using sometime to think about what is right, working hard in love
Career: Celebrating the end of studying, new qualifications, moving up the ladder
Health: Seeing results, finding ways to make yourself feel healthier
An advantageous duo – you are most certainly turning a corner in life, and wanting to tell the world.
The Hermit and Five Of Wands
The Hermit and the Five Of Wands represent backing away from conflict, instead choosing to wait for the storm to pass alone.
Life: Walking away from drama, amusing yourself with more important tasks
Love: Not wanting to argue, keeping the peace, giving each other space
Career: Not involving yourself in office conflict, choosing to work on projects alone
Health: Choosing to walk away from unhealthy lifestyles or habits, seeking new ways to improve your health
Alone these cards stand to offer very different messages but together, you are seeing a sensible pair offering wise moves.
The Hermit and Six Of Wands
The Hermit and the Six Of Wands represent your hard work paying off. You are seeing results!
Life: Diminishing the voice of negativity, working hard on your personal projects, courage in being alone
Love: Success in love, taking pride in your better choices, overcoming issues together
Career: Celebrating triumphs at work, being responsible for a strong work ethic, using your inner power to get ahead
Health: Great achievements, celebrating goals being made, new found courage
A strong pair when brought together, and you want to tell the world of your success and triumph!
The Hermit and Seven Of Wands
The Hermit and the Seven Of Wands represent applying boundaries and enforcing defence to the heart and mind.
Life: Boundaries, standing above the challenges being thrown your way
Love: Needing to work on issues, keeping calm, thinking outside the box
Career: Being aware of competition, studying to set yourself apart from your co workers, remaining steady and calm
Health: Not comparing your progress to others, keeping a diary to remind yourself how far you are going,not shouting each step of your journey from your rooftops
Less is more with this pair. Keep track of your journey, take on each challenge with a strong and calm mind.
The Hermit and Eight Of Wands
The Hermit and the Eight Of Wands represent needing to low down in order to get ahead.
Life: Moving too fast, needing more introspection, change to your advantage
Love: Needing to take your time, cherish and savour special moments, don’t rush in love
Career: Don’t rush your work, look hard at your projects, make progress slowly
Health: Avoid crash diets, avoid taking health shortcuts
You are making progress, even when you stand still. What you need to do is realise that being stationary is still beneficial in your journey.
The Hermit and Nine Of Wands
The Hermit and the Nine Of Wands are a weary yet strong duo, taking on life’s challenges together and moving forward regardless of what obstacles appear.
Life: Feeling fatigued, taking time out for yourself, the end of study is near
Love: Contemplating your next move, potential betrayal leading you to rethink your situation
Career: Challenges in work, almost at the end of a period of study
Health: Nearly reaching your goals, feeling tired, overdoing fitness
You can feel tired if you spend a lot of time in your own thoughts As exhausting as it can be, you need to pull yourself away from them and make a decision.
The Hermit and Ten Of Wands
The Hermit and the Ten Of Wands together do not use their alone time for good. Stress can become high.
Life: Struggling in stressful situations, being tired amongst your help towards others
Love: Not putting yourself first enough, pulling back and overthinking scenarios
Career: Heavy job load, trying too hard to move ahead in your career
Health: Overdoing physical exercise, spending too much time working on yourself in an attempt for perfection
You mustn’t use the good of the world to burden your heart. You are feeling tired and all this time you are spending alone is not the right balance for you at this time.
The Hermit and Page Of Wands
The Hermit and the Page Of Wands represent preparing for a rather huge adventure ahead of them.
Life: Preparation, adventure, calm, intuitive time out
Love: Seeking out opportunities to improve your love life, preparing to take chances, gaining energy in love
Career: Positive recognition for your studies, working hard to achieve success, lone working
Health: Using your alone time to work out, not telling everybody about your goals, getting healthier for you
It’s OK to do things for you. Not everyone needs to know each part of your life and it is good to hold back and use privacy to your advantage. You are creating amazing opportunities for yourself that are just for you.
The Hermit and Knight Of Wands
The Hermit and the Knight Of Wands are a battle of head and heart, both strongly driven to succeed in different ways.
Life: Wise head on your shoulders, knowing what action you need to take
Love: Making clear decisions in love, can appear hot headed if you don’t pre think your moves
Career: Using your knowledge too quickly and making mistakes along the way, courageous efforts
Health: Taking shortcuts in health, reading the highlights of a health book without between the lines
There is a way we use our knowledge and it is to excel in stages of life. Use them wisely and correctly, otherwise you can come across as someone who prefers to get there fast rather than safely.
The Hermit and Queen Of Wands
The Hermit and the Queen Of Wands prepare their energy together in a passionate yet intuitive manner.
Life: Passionate about your journey, unresponsive to chaos
Love: Fertile lover, your own person, confident yet introvert lover
Career: Passionate with projects, spending time working hard on what matters
Health: Giving your life balance, creating a healthy path for yourself with passion and vigour, independent in your goals
A beautiful partnership ensues when passion and intuition meet. A strong character are you!
The Hermit and King Of Wands
The Hermit and the King Of Wands stand in solitude together and build on their house of courage. Do not mistake their silence for procrastination.
Life: Charging energy, confident thinker, knowledgable soul
Love: Creating a harmonious level of energy, perseverance in love, taking time to problem solve through issues
Career: Solving problems between people or in work, directing your energy towards success
Health: Using your time to build your energy, bold in your desire for improvements and change
You have moments where you like to stand and absorb all that is around you. You use this information to gain traction in your journey rather than overthink.
The Hermit and Ace Of Swords
The Hermit and the Ace Of Swords represents alone time is your planting of seeds.
Life: Overcoming hardship, Awaiting in solitude, preparing for next step, new path ahead
Love: Pausing to reflect, wanting to spend more time together
Career: Rethinking a new career, ensuring you have all you need, new focus and ideas, working alone
Health: Planning a health regime, long term goals, starting from the beginning, strong spirituality
In a new start, there is time for you to muddle through the mist and believe that a new adventure needs energy, of which you must gather.
The Hermit and Two Of Swords
The Hermit and the Two Of Swords want you to consider your options, but know that ruminating creates distorted patterns of isolation.
Life: Confused over next step, hesitation to go forth, wanting to be alone, emotional time, in denial of your choices
Love: Holding back on decisions, needing more time, options, retreating from choice
Career: Hard choices, solitary working, career crossroads
Health: Recharging, unsure of a health plan, slow in progress, spiritually blocked
With choices a plenty, it looks as though the best option is to sit and procrastinate. This is good for a short time but the momentum must not die. Take a leap.
The Hermit and Three Of Swords
The Hermit and the Three Of Swords say that in your time of great loss, listen to that inner voice of strength.
Life: Loss and contemplation, reflection, re evaluating, preparation
Love: Feeling isolated, wanting to be alone, grief, betrayal, only trusting yourself, searching for your new path
Career: Difficult choices, loss of job, lone working creating a feeling of depression
Health: Tired and wanting to recharge alone, sudden need to regain health, slow journey back to health
Stuck in sadness, it is overwhelming to think about anything other than isolating grief. Hard as it may sound, strength can be found if you dig deep and trust your intuitive.
The Hermit and Four Of Swords
The Hermit and The Four Of Swords means mistakes made and going forth into a new dawn.
Life: Overcoming hardship, Awaiting in solitude, preparing for next step
Love: Pausing to reflect, wanting to spend more time together
Career: Rethinking a new career, ensuring you have all you need, new focus
Health: Planning a health regime, long term goals, starting from the beginning, strong spirituality
Planning is the way forward here. Use your introspection to guide you forward to better times. Feel the love of those who love you.
The Hermit and Five Of Swords
The Hermit and the Five Of Swords represents a battle between inspiration and isolation.
Life: Regret, creating enemies, not wanting to work together, greed
Love: Abandoning what matters, being aloof, distant in affection, not sharing desires or goals
Career: Waning to take all the work on yourself, not allowing others to help, coping alone
Health: Refusing to help yourself, thinking your planning alone is going to get you what you want, lack of action
Wise sometimes it is to go it alone, you have to do it for the right reasons and not to the detriment of others’ happiness. Don’t lack in communication, instead make sure you involve others when needed.
The Hermit and Six Of Swords
The Hermit and the Six Of Swords represents the notion of reflection afore moving on.
Life: Overcoming pain, new beginnings, trusting in your journey ahead
Love: Pausing to heal, moving away from heartache, looking for a new start
Career: Wanting to explore a new path, clearing your mind for a new start
Health: Breaking bad habits, contemplating a healthier way of life, being ready for change
There does come a time where it is healthier to break away from old habits rather than hang onto a painful past. Use your intuition wisely.
The Hermit and Seven Of Swords
The Hermit and the Seven Of Swords together make for a very isolated person. Introspection comes from burning bridges.
Life: Being called to look inside yourself, seeking morals, Dishonesty leading to isolation
Love: Disloyalty, being secretive, a calling for your conscience to redeem itself
Career: Burning bridges at work, ostracising yourself, feeling alone
Health: Do the right thing, work alone, your current way of life is hurting others
You must know how your actions can hurt others. Take some time to reflect on the pain you can cause the ones you love.
The Hermit and Eight Of Swords
The Hermit and the Eight Of Swords can make you feel as if your alone time is because you have been mistreated.
Life: Loss and contemplation, reflection, re evaluating, preparation
Love: Feeling isolated, wanting to be alone, grief, betrayal, only trusting yourself, searching for your new path
Career: Difficult choices, loss of job, lone working creating a feeling of depression
Health: Tired and wanting to recharge alone, sudden need to regain health, slow journey back to health
It is possible sometimes that we create excuses for being alone. You are bound only by your own beliefs, so focus on the good.
The Hermit and Nine Of Swords
The Hermit and the Nine Of Swords are an unresting pair.
Life: Overthinking, solitary angst, unable to move forward practically
Love: Alone time leading to overthinking, spending time apart, unsettling
Career: Loss, introspection, stress, ruminating, unable to see your value
Health: Denying a change needs to occur, unable to go through with plans, feeling as if you need to see a doctor
Planning is the way forward here. Use your introspection to guide you forward to better times. Feel the love of those who love you.
The Hermit and Ten Of Swords
The Hermit and the Ten Of Swords together signal light in despair.
Life: Rock bottom, wanting to be alone, needing to recharge, exhausted
Love: Endless arguments, needing space, potential break up, healing time
Career: Moving away from what you no longer desire, needing time off, taking too much on
Health: Juggling too many things, needing to rest and rejuvenate, mentally and physically exhausted, planning how to heal
Although this level of despair can cause pain and sorrow, you have the ability to think about how to pick yourself up and start again.
The Hermit and Page Of Swords
The Hermit and the Page Of Swords curiously study what is ahead, gaining energy and momentum.
Life: Alone but not lonely, hopeful, thinking on the surface
Love: Only wanting your side heard, assuming everything is fine, using alone time to recharge
Career: Not sharing ideas, studying alone for career opportunities, planning new projects
Health: Gathering energy, training for something, finding a good regime
You have the charisma and energy due to your well placed thoughts and inner progress made.
The Hermit and Knight Of Swords
The Hermit and the Knight Of Swords encourage each other to balance their quests.
Life: Wanting to move but biding your time, energy charged, mental progress
Love: Planning to commit, thinking of your next step, wanting to take charge
Career: Job hunting, reconsidering your options, using your alone time to plan
Health: Gaining traction, feeling strong thanks to your contemplation, hope for a healthy new you
Working well together, both acquiring new mindsets for a journey you are about to undertake is shaping nicely.
The Hermit and Queen Of Swords
The Hermit and the Queen Of Swords set out a plan that withdraws from emotion, focusing on factual progression.
Life: Officialities, gaining knowledge, taking care of yourself
Love: Knowing what you need to do next in love, making a decision
Career: Reading and signing documents, training, studying, using your time wisely
Health: Looking after your physical and mental health, signing up to classes or a gym, using a program of fitness
Knowing you have crossed the T’s and dotted the I’s, you can move on with confidence and boundaries in place.
The Hermit and King Of Swords
The Hermit and the King Of Swords like to create and apply rules together.
Life: Rules being applied, challenges of the heart, strength in leadership
Love: High standards can leave you feeling alone, find the love within and don’t be afraid of showing it to others
Career: Strong worker, lone worker, leader material, logical thinker
Health: Taking charge of your health, finding ways to recharge alone
In a new start, there is time for you to muddle through the mist and believe that a new adventure needs energy, of which you must gather.
Abut the author of this reading:

Lady Avalon of The Night
Majesty of the Rivers and Mists
I am Lady Avalon of The Night
A blessed being in disguise
My hair flows freely in the breeze
My guidance helps you feel at ease.