The Page of Wands symbolizes good news. This is a yes card. It signifies liberation and courage. The Page of Wands is an optimistic card with great possibilities for success. It expresses how spontaneous you are, as well as your bravery to tackle anything that crosses your path. Even though this is a very positive card, it can also mean that you take action before considering the consequences of your actions. This card is an excellent omen for promotions at work, and in love, it can represent a very steamy phase in your relationship.
“What would happen if you gave yourself permission to do something you’ve never done before? There’s only one way to find out.” – Gina Greenlee
Upright Page of Wands, is it a Yes or No Tarot Card?

The Page of Wands is a yes card. It symbolizes the bravery of your younger self. This is a card that represents taking chances and thriving for success. It also emphasizes jumping into action before setting up a plan. This can obliviously be good quality, but it can also make you get involved in projects without having a clear vision of the consequence of what that might imply to your life. Overall this is a very optimistic card which can also represent good news coming your way. If you have been waiting for a decision, the Page of Wands represents good outcomes. Your energy is at its highest, which is something that you should take advantage of to put into action any plans that you have been considering doing. This card also expresses that someone might be entering your life and change things for the better.
Reversed Page of Wands, is it a Yes or No Tarot Card?

The reversed Page of Wands is a no card. The Page of Wands also implies that if you are thinking about a new plan or project, you should reconsider it because the best time has not yet arrived. Give it time and ensure that you are ready for new tasks. There is also a chance that someone in your life is trying to ruin things for you and pries on your failings. This card also represents a lack of motivation to keep going, especially when you don’t see the results that you were hoping for in the short term. Even though you may have not yet received the results that you were looking for, it’s crucial that you keep pushing forward. With this card, you can expect some setbacks, but this shouldn’t be a reason to quit or not sticking with your plan. It just means that it’s probably not going to happen right now.
Upright Page of Wands, Yes or No for Love?

The Page of Wands is a positive card for love. This is a yes card. It can also represent that you are about to experience more flair in your realtionship. This card can imply more adventure and excitement in your relationship. This card can also represent a new adventure as a couple, giving you both a stronger bond with lots of fun. If you are having some issues in your relationship, this card proposes more steamy make-up sessions after a row between the both of you. However, the Page of Wands also suggests that if you are having any problems, this is the time to decide if you want to keep investing in your relationship. Perhaps getting some space and investing in yourself is an excellent way to allow you both to miss one another and add a little extra sparkle to your bond. If you are single, then the Page of Wands represents someone who will sweep you off your feet. You just need to allow that person into your life and your heart.
Reversed Page of Wands, Yes or No for Love?

The Page of Wands is not a great omen for love. This is a no card. You may find yourself in a position where you realize that you and your partner don’t have much in common, or perhaps want different things in life. This card can also represent a lack of effort from one of you, leading the other to feel taken for granted. This isn’t an excellent time for commitment, so if there has been talking about marriage or an engagement, then perhaps waiting is your best option. Instead, focus more on adding excitement and love into your relationship again, before considering taking your relationship to another level. If you are single, then you may be lacking the enthusiasm to start a new relationship, as you are feeling a little off right now.
Upright Page of Wands, Yes or No as Advice?

When you see this card during your reading, you can be looking forward to receiving excellent news. The Page of Wands also implies that rewards for your hard work may now be blooming. This card highlights new exciting plans and a boost of energy, making the perfect time to pursue any projects that you have been considering in doing for a while. As well as your energy, your confidence is also at its peak. You may be feeling more confident and optimistic, which is an excellent combination for success. The Page of Wands represents following your heart without listening to your head. This, of course, can lead you to dive into situations that you may not have considered otherwise. Still, it also means that you will follow your heart and perhaps be lead to find your true passion in life.
Reversed Page of Wands, Yes or No as Advice?

The reversed Page of Wands represents setbacks. This is a no card. Seeing this card in a reading is not a good sign. It may imply that you are going through a phase where you lack motivation and creativity. It also resembles a negative mindset, which can lead you to failure even before attempting to try to achieve your goals. You may be letting your fears overcome your actions, and this will be preventing you from finding your true passion in life. Being self-conscious can lead to serious self-confidence issues. There is also a chance that someone is trying to jeopardize your happiness. Rumors are likely to be spread, ignore what you don’t know for sure, or you might be getting hurt or hurt someone else for no reason. The reversed Page of Wands can also represent bad news heading coming your way. However, you must try to keep yourself with a positive mind and keep moving forward.
Upright Page of Wands, Yes or No for Business Decision?

The Page of Wands is a yes card. This can imply an excellent answer for a job promotion that you have been looking forward to getting. This card expresses that you have been thinking about starting your own business. However, the Page of Wands also symbolizes that you might be rushing into things without thinking about it enough. You should ensure that your plan is well thought through before deciding to go ahead. This shouldn’t stop you from going forward tho, as this card also represents a successful outcome. You are in an excellent place to turn thoughts into actions and dreams into reality,
Reversed Page of Wands, Yes or No for Business Decision?
The Page of Wands is not a good omen for business decisions. This is a no card. This card represents a goal without a plan in place. You may have a dream in your head, but you don’t have any idea of how to get there. You lack the ambition to find your passion in life, and you may be feeling drained or not motivated to put out the work. Your career seems to have hit some sort of stagnation, and you are perhaps feeling stuck. Changing your attitude might possibly improve your work relationships and boost your work connections. Try to remove any negativity or sense of superiority not to give the wrong impression to others.
Sample of Page of Wands Tarot Card, Yes or No interpretation in a practical Tarot reading

Here are some samples of the most common question in tarot readings:
“I keep messing up… Am I on the right path?” – Rose.
The reversed Page of Wands represents a new phase, but it also represents the fear of stepping out of your comfort zone. Perhaps the reason you keep on messing up may be a result of you refusing to go in a different direction. A great way we learn in life is by making mistakes. You may be continuously making mistakes because you keep on doing the same things, now may be the time to stop being so scared and comfortable and try something new.
“I just can’t wait to start my own family! Will I get pregnant soon?” – Julia.
The Page of Wands suggests that good news is heading towards you, so there is a high chance that you may finally start your own family. But be sure that this is something that you are ready for and not only something that you want. Bringing a new life into this world can be quite challenging, so make sure you are definitely prepared for it.
“Will I become rich soon?” – Tyler.
You can become anything you want to be if you to be rich. The Page of Wands definitely shows that it is possible. However, it’s clear you know where you want to be but perhaps not so sure about how to get there. You must ensure that you first have a plan. After all, money doesn’t just fall out of the sky. If you are struggling, chances are you lack motivation. You just have to believe in yourself and stay focused on achieving your goal.
“Does he love me?” – Lydia.
Right now, it would be best if you thought about whether or not you want to keep going with this relationship. If your partner is not putting in his 100% into the relationship, it may be time to go your separate ways for some time apart. However, if this relationship is still worth fighting for, sitting down and talking to your partner may be a good idea. Maybe there’s a reason for your feelings. It may be best to gather as much information as possible before making a big decision.

Queen Isabella
Her Majesty Tarot Queen
I read the cards with my eyes closed and my heart open. I don’t sugarcoat the truth. After all, I’m not only known for my royal blood but also for my royal honesty.
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