King of Hearts meaning
The King of hearts card signifies personal qualities of honesty and spirituality. It represents a kind-hearted and fair man. His gentle temperament makes him a fine friend and an excellent life-partner. While passionate and amorous, the King of Hearts tends to be hasty with his feelings, especially love.

Detailed meanings for the King of Hearts
Traditional French cartomancy: Serious blond man; your protector
This happy card, taken in isolation, means: Serious blond man who will be your protector.
From this honest man, you will only receive excellent advice; he will be a sincere friend to you.
His loyalty will be a sure guarantee of his good intentions towards you. Listen to him in everything; he will guide you on the right path and even, if you are troubles, his kindness will not fail you.
The King of hearts having on the right a
Spade: A married blond man means you well.
Heart: He will help you to find someone special for you. – He will do you a great service.
Diamond: Is on his way to see you.
Club: Will send you money soon.
Having on the left a
Spades: You will be taken care of.
Heart: Guaranteed protection of your interests by a blond man.
Diamond: Upcoming trip on business of interest; a loyal man will help you to carry out this business successfully.
Club: Protection of a very rich blond man.
With the Queen of hearts: Advantageous relationship or marriage. – More abundance.
Between two cards of the same value: Plans for building a close relationship with somebody.
Classic American cartomancy: Good, kind-hearted blond man
King of Hearts—Upright.
The primary significations of this card are a blonde man, an advocate and a man of note, but its secondary significations are those attached to the state and legislation.
As the representative of an individual, this card shows a good, kind-hearted man, of an amorous disposition, rash in his enterprises, and generally hasty and passionate in all his actions.
Coming out as a blonde man, it has these synonyms:
Honest man; honesty; probity; equity; arts and sciences.
Considered as a man of note or statesman, the synonyms are:
Legislation; legislator; laws; decrees; code; statutes; precepts; commandments; combination; institution; constitution; temperament; complexion; natural and moral law; religious law; civil law; politics; politician; natural right; right of nations; public rights.
King of Hearts—Reversed.
This card coming out reversed, designates a man of natural light complexion, neither fair nor brown, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, of an excellent temper, easily imposed upon, credulous, moderately given to love matters, yet addicted to vice and incontinence. Its other primary significations are a tutor, or a man in anger, possessing vices, the reverse of those good qualities attributed to the card when upright. In this case the synonyms are:
Indignation; agitation; irritation; wrath; rage; fury; frenzy; violence; hatred; aversion; animosity; peril; animadversion; antipathy; resentment; vengeance; affront; outrage; blasphemy; storm; tempest; cruelty; inhumanity; atrocity.
The chief secondary signification of this is a man in office, or professional politician, to which are given the following synonyms:
Man of rank; dishonest man; exaction; pillage; injustice; simony; a dishonorable person; a burglar.
Conservative British cartomancy: A man of fair skin and good temperament
The King of Hearts
As Master-Card, is figured that the Querist deals or has had much to do with a Man of fair skin and light type, of good temperament.
Influenced by an Ace of like suit, one notably unselfish. By Knave, a Lover, Husband, Friend. By a Queen, a Lovematch.
By a Diamond, a Man of Wealth or artistic nature.
By a high club, a Man of Energy withal ; by a low club, one of Prudence.
By a Spade, a man of some defect of Temperament, or of a Chronic Malady or Blemish, ominous to him and others.
Sibylle des salons cartomancy: Stock-holder
King of hearts Card title – Stock-holder
A blond man. Wealthy and well-established. Trustworthy friend, who will defend your interests.
If reversed – Various obstacles to his projects.
The American (Rider-Waite) tarot: Fair man, man of business
He holds a short scepter in his left hand and a great cup in his right; his throne is set upon the sea; on one side a ship is riding and on the other a dolphin is leaping. The implicit is that the Sign of the Cup naturally refers to water, which appears in all the court cards.
Divinatory Meanings: Fair man, man of business, law, or divinity; responsible, disposed to oblige the Querent; also equity, art and science, including those who profess science, law and art; creative intelligence.
Reversed: Dishonest, double-dealing man; roguery, exaction, injustice, vice, scandal, pillage, considerable loss.
King of hearts as a Birth card: 1st to 7th of February
King of Hearts: The Caring Protector Card
1 FEB to 7 FEB
“Leadership is not about being in charge. Leadership is about taking care of those in your charge.” -Simon Sinek
Possibly the most caring and loving person you will ever meet. People who share the King of Hearts card are the most understanding and caring in your life. Wised and heartful by nature, these are the people who will always be willing to be there for you every step of the way. They have no time for hate.
They are very confident and know their worth. No one can bring them down. And although they have fewer glory moments, this is usually caused by others. Yet they bounce back pretty quickly, so you won’t see them mourning a past situation for too long.
They resemble unconditional love. As they genuinely care about the people in their lives and even in their work. But they lack the same passion when it comes to their lover. They are too invested in other relationships in their lives, making them neglect to dedicate their love and devotion to one person.
They are very devoted always to improve their knowledge. And they expand their understanding to many areas. Born natural leaders, they make excellent spiritual teachers. Yet, they also make great traders and sellers. They also show interest in psychology and philosophy. They will bring you kind acts and lots of joy. Having someone with a King of Hearts in your life is a blessing.
Personal Message: Your heart is the ruler of your being. You are kind and translate pure love to anyone who gets the pleasure to meet you. The way you see others is lovely as it is your genuine personality that comes across as very charismatic. There aren’t many bad days on your calendar. Yet when you get involved with people who aren’t as genuine as you, you tend to get hurt. And even though it would be best if you didn’t change your ways.
It’s worth being aware that not everyone carries the same kind heart as you. And when it comes to love, it would be worth treating them in a more connected and romantic way. Too often, you carry that kind of attitude that you have with others anywhere you go. And when it comes to the person you love, you need to love them with more intensity.
Recognize why you fell for them and appreciate their love for you. Or else you might not be able to create a romantic relationship that has the potential to be long-lasting.
Famous People Who Share the King of Hearts Birth Card
Mother Teresa, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy, Katie Holmes, and Brad Pitt.
Which playing card is My birth card?
Look it up in the full list of cards sorted by birth date .

King of Hearts meaning in a card spread. Try the original Cardarium readings.
Cartomancy is never based on the interpretation of a single card. It is the interplay of the cards that creates the most interesting insights.
Go ahead and try the card reading below.
If you get the King of hearts on the first go – that’s a sign of good luck. The Fortune will smile gently and generously upon You.

A day without love is a year of emptiness… Check out your current standing with a Free Tarot Love Reading. It is good for people who appreciate the classic Rider Tarot presented in an accessible way.
If you know what you are doing, try the Free Card Spirits oracle. The unstable arcana spirits dwell in the beliefs of the consultant. If your belief is strong enough, they might help you in many ways – for example – conceive a baby, seduce a lover or curse an enemy. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners.

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