Two of Swords meaning
The Two of Swords suggests a powerful moment of choice. At a crossroads, there are decisions to be made and each one will lead to life long changes. You have to get used to the idea that for the most important crossroads in your life, there are no signs. Your destined direction is within you. To conclude, the Two of Swords is a mostly NO card.

Detailed meanings of the Two of Swords
Two of Swords in the Egyptian (Grand Etteilla) tarot
CARD NUMBER 62. – Two of Swords.
Upright. – Benevolent protector. Sincere friendship. Success.
Reversed. – Deceptive affection. Betrayal of friends.
Two of Swords as Advice

Having A Conversation
The conversation that comes with developing ideas is oftentimes comprised as more than one voice. These conflicting voices may come from both within and without, and reconciling them may seem like a nearly impossible task, especially if they seem to be completely different. However, the more that you facilitate a healthy conversation between them, the more you may begin to realize that they are far more similar than you initially realized. There are many times where two different viewpoints which would initially appear to be in complete opposition actually have the same end goal, and have only come to butt heads due to a disagreement over methodology. By taking time to calmly and maturely consider each voice, you will be better equipped to make a sound decision that is informed by all possible perspectives. There is an issue that you have been trying to find a solution to recently, but there are a number of voices that are pulling you in many different directions. You may have a variety of interests within yourself that are individually influencing your decision-making skills, making it difficult for you to commit to a single plan of action. You may also be in disagreement with the other people that are involved in this decision-making process, making it difficult for you to move forward as a team. No matter where these various perspectives are originating from, it is essential that you resolve this issue before taking the next step forward. Find a reasonable compromise between each voice that is currently participating in the conversation and ensure that all participants are in agreement before doing anything so as to avoid any possible disagreements on this issue in the future. In crafting this compromise, be sure to include every perspective so that none can argue that the interests of some are being prioritized over those of others.Two of Swords meaning for a Relationship

Two of Swords Classic interpretation by A.E.Waite

A hoodwinked female figure balances two swords upon her shoulders.Divinatory Meanings: Conformity and the equipoise which it suggests, courage, friendship, concord in a state of arms; another reading gives tenderness, affection, intimacy. The suggestion of harmony and other favorable readings must be considered in a qualified manner, as Swords generally are not symbolical of beneficent forces in human affairs.
Reversed: Imposture, falsehood, duplicity, disloyalty.
Two of Swords meaning for your Job & Career

Reversed Two of Swords (in depth)

Two of Swords YES or NO (in depth)
The Two of Swords represents a conflict between at least two choices. You are at a crossroads; which way is the right way for you? The Two of Swords is encouraging you to make a decision and pull yourself away from your dilemma. This is an overall YES.
- Upright Two of Swords – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Reversed – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Meaning For Love – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Reversed Meaning For Love – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Meaning For Advice – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Reversed Meaning For Advice – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Career – Yes or No?
- Two of Swords Marriage – Yes or No?

Two of Swords meaning in a card spread. Try the original Cardarium readings.

A day without love is a year of emptiness… Check out your current standing with a Free Tarot Love Reading. It is good for people who appreciate the classic Rider Tarot presented in an accessible way.
If you know what you are doing, try the Free Card Spirits oracle. The unstable arcana spirits dwell in the beliefs of the consultant. If your belief is strong enough, they might help you in many ways – for example – conceive a baby, seduce a lover or curse an enemy. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners.

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