Ace of Diamonds meaning
The Ace of Diamonds announces a letter or a message that you will receive soon. In a broader sense, it means that you will get a new insight into your life and your problems. The ace of diamonds could come as advice of a friend, or a book or a vivid dream at night. It will give you a new perspective.

Detailed meanings for the Ace of Diamonds
Traditional French cartomancy: A Letter or a Message
The Ace of Diamonds announces a letter (message) that you will receive soon.
Having on the right a
Spade: Bad news.
Heart: Joy and letter from a friend.
Diamond: Business papers.
Club: Expected cash inflow.
Having on the left a
Spade: News of somebody’s death (the news of the person’s death will not cause you any joy or pain, as this person is only known to you, but indifferent).
Heart: Love letter.
Diamond: Intrigues, slander, anonymous letter on your account.
Club: A cash inflow that we no longer counted on.
The Ace of Diamonds with the King of Spades, whether on the right or left, announces bad news from a lawyer: monetary claims or a forthcoming trial.
If this card touches the Nine of Spades, news of a death in the family.
If it is between two cards of the same value – delay for all that is expected.
Classic American cartomancy: A Letter
Ace of Diamonds
It is a matter of perfect indifference whether this card assumes its place in the oracle in an upright or reversed position, as its primary signification is in no wise varied, although of a most comprehensive nature, being, expressing generally, a letter, a note, a paper, a petition, etc.
It requires, however, a great deal of attention to discriminate between the manifold significations of this all-important card, which is governed in a great measure by the cards coming next to it, otherwise the interpreter may be entirely baffled in comprehending the intent of the oracle.
The general synonyms of the ace of diamonds are:
Epistle; writings; the art of writing; grammar; Holy Writ; text; literature; doctrine; erudition; literary labor; book; correspondence; composition; alphabet; elements of all learning; principles; bonds; bills of exchange; notes of hand; evidence of indebtedness.
With the seven of spades, reversed, coming next to it, this card denotes the existence of a law suit, in which case we have synonyms, founded on the following basis:
Deed; covenant; agreement; law paper; writs, warrants; litigation; differences; contestations; disputes; discussions; bickering; contest; strife; discord; contradiction; stratagem; trick; broil; pettifogging; wrangling.
Conservative British cartomancy: Material success
As a Master card Ace of diamonds means tangible and material Success in some Matter of Society, Money, Art, or Office.
Influenced by a King of like suit, a Loss recovered. By any other card of like suit: Information and certainty of an Affair of purchase, bargain or sale, much to advantage.
By a Heart, a wise Marriage, the settlement of a Difference, an open matter closed to satisfaction.
By a Club, a prudent Choice.
By a Spade, a Cost or expense, perhaps a loss, before a satisfactory and favorable Event, or in course of it.
Sibylle des salons cartomancy: A letter
Ace of diamonds Card title – A letter
A postman or a messenger will bring you news.
If reversed – Bad news.
The American (Rider-Waite) tarot: Contentment
A hand—issuing, as usual, from a cloud—holds up a pentacle.
Divinatory Meanings: Perfect contentment, felicity, ecstasy; also speedy intelligence; gold.
Reversed: The evil side of wealth, bad intelligence; also great riches. In any case it shows prosperity, comfortable material conditions, but whether these are of advantage to the possessor will depend on whether the card is reversed or not.
Ace of diamonds as a Birth card: 30th of August to 5th of September
Ace of Diamonds: The Devotion Card
30 AUG to 5 SEP
“Do not try to fix whatever comes in your life. Fix yourself in such a way that whatever comes, you will be fine.” -Jaggi Vasudev.
This person is the perfect image of a leader. They hold all the great qualities for excellent leadership. They are creative, extremely self-disciplined, and overly ambitious. Yet of their best qualities is their power to self-motivate and inspire others.
Obtain power within their career is important to them. Financial security is something they are willing to work extremely hard to obtain because they know very well the struggles. Because of it they are eager to avoid falling into that place again, making them likely to juggle more than one job at once.
And while work and wealth are one of their ambitions, the search for love is one of their most important quests in their journey. They crave a profound connection with someone. This may create an imbalance between love and all their ambitions. Usually, they tend to have better luck in achieving their goals and conquering their aspirations.
Love is not an easy path for them, and those heartbreaks can leave them very hurt. True and long-lasting love will happen when they find someone who can support and motivate them to chase their dreams without holding their hard work against them.
Personal Message: You are someone that it can impact and influence others with your words and actions. You have a magnetic energy that can warm the heart of others. You lead by example, so everything you do and say is being watched by the ones who admire you. It’s extremely easy for you to get bored of routine, so keeping a spontaneous and interesting schedule will help you feel more productive. Use your leadership power by expressing your ideas though writing, or even with motivational speeches.
While you might think that you are having a senseless idea, the reality is that your unusual ideas have the potential to touch someone else’s heart. You can guide others through tough times, bring them hope and show them a different way to look at what life is truly about, so use it. Please don’t hold it back. This is your time, and you are here to make a change.
Famous People Who Share the Ace of Diamonds Birth Card
Cameron Diaz, Keanu Reeves, and Jaggi Vasudev
Which playing card is My birth card?
Look it up in the full list of cards sorted by birth date .

Ace of Diamonds meaning in a card spread. Try the original Cardarium readings.
Cartomancy is never based on the interpretation of a single card. It is the interplay of the cards that creates the most interesting insights.
Go ahead and try the card reading below.
If you get the Ace of Diamonds on the first go – that’s a sign of good luck. The Fortune will smile gently and generously upon You.

A day without love is a year of emptiness… Check out your current standing with a Free Tarot Love Reading. It is good for people who appreciate the classic Rider Tarot presented in an accessible way.
If you know what you are doing, try the Free Card Spirits oracle. The unstable arcana spirits dwell in the beliefs of the consultant. If your belief is strong enough, they might help you in many ways – for example – conceive a baby, seduce a lover or curse an enemy. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners.

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