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Eight of Clubs meaning​

8 of clubsEight of clubs represents a casual relationship. It depends upon your point of view, whether it is good or bad. It is a good omen for love adventure. It is a bad omen for marriage. It’s good for sex. It’s bad for passion. More generally, eight of clubs means compromises in love. 

Quick check:  is 8 of clubs in your cards today? Time for a little love adventure?

the lovers tarot

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Detailed meanings for the Eight of Clubs​

08 of clubs meaning french deck


In isolation, for a young man or a woman, the meaning of this Eight  is an “Amourette” or a casual little lover – a young brunette who wishes to marry or form a relationship. It is one night stand that meant nothing yet somehow evolved into twenty five night stand.

For any other person, it bodes well for a quick fortune, money earned with ease, easy realization of all expectations.

Having on the right a

Spade: A painful but certain path to win.

Heart: A serious pretender to your heart.  – Knowledge of a very honest brunette girl.

Diamond: Advantageous friendship. – Intimate knowledge of an easy going woman.

Club: Lucrative projects. – Certain success. – Happy marriage.

Having on the left a

Spade: Seduction. A man or a woman experienced in love, who is difficult to resist, even if you know he or she is not serious about you. – Deceptive mirage.

Heart: Great joy to come.

Diamond: Travel to attend a wedding

Club: Money quickly earned by good speculation. – Successful and rich life partner.


With the Jack of Clubs:

For a single person in late 20s or 30s: Declaration of love.

For married people: Proposal for a business association.

For somebody young and inexperienced: Support from a rich older man or a woman, who wants you as a lover on a side.

Between two cards of the same value: Rivalry. – Competition.

08 of clubs

Eight of ClubsUpright.  

As a representative of an individual, this card designates a brunette, unmarried lady, remarkable for her personal attractions, of a mild and tractable nature, who, should she not possess beauty, will win admiration from her accomplishments and demeanor, as well as from her sincerity and virtue.

As a general thing this card signifies the art of pleasing, or, as it is more appropriately styled, a virtuous girl, in which connection, its meaning is expressed in the synonyms:

A virgin; chaste; modest; virtuous; genteel; becoming; decent; decorous; suitable; befitting; civil; kind; courteous; polished; polite; well bred; accomplished; condescending; meek; hospitable; good manners.

Eight of ClubsReversed.  

As an individual’s representative, this card, when reversed, denotes a middling dark complexioned unmarried woman, with dark chestnut hair, and eyes nearly approaching black in color. She will be vain of her personal charms, and make little account of the world’s opinion should her own desires be gratified.

The primary signification of this card is removal or departure, and can be appropriately expressed in the following synonyms:

Moving; to move; change of residence; at a distance; remote; absence; separation; dispersion; going aside; out of the way; ramble; excursion; digression; flight; to discard; disdain; repugnance; aversion; incompatibility; opposition; division; rupture, and antipathy.

This card, reversed, has moreover the signification of indecorum, which can be used in these different senses:

Inhospitable; ill bred; discourteous; bad manners; immodest; unchaste; insincere; boorish; brazen faced; slovenly; a virago; a tartar; a wanton.

Eight of clubs English Cartomancy meaning

As Master- Card Eight of Clubs means an absent Friend reflects on you in a particular matter.

Influenced by like suit, a Conviction or responsibility of much weight laid on one.

By a Diamond, a Choice of a wife, or precious article.

By a Heart, Cause of Concern for a friend.

By a Spade, you shall give Counsel not followed, and spend Thought thrown aside.

Sibylle des Salons cartomancie meaning 8 of clubs

8 of clubs Card title – Disappointment

Disillusionment that brings sadness and regret. Broken promises.

If reversed – Bad friend, bad influence. False beliefs.

Eight of Wands meaning tarot


The card represents motion through the immovable—a flight of wands through an open country; but they draw to the term of their course. That which they signify is at hand; it may be even on the threshold.

Divinatory Meanings: Activity in undertakings, the path of such activity, swiftness, as that of an express messenger; great haste, great hope, speed towards an end which promises assured felicity; generally, that which is on the move; also the arrows of love.

Reversed: Arrows of jealousy, internal dispute, stingings of conscience, quarrels; and domestic disputes for persons who are married.

8 of clubs birth cardEight of Clubs: The Supreme Mental Power Birth Card

6 DEC to 12 DEC

“Your true success in life begins only when you make the commitment to become excellent at what you do.” -Brian Tracy.

People born under the influence of the Eight of Clubs are natural magnets for success and attract good luck and positivity into their every life aspect. They are incredibly friendly and make outstanding bonds with others. They also make great advisers and mentors for the ones seeking their help. These are the people born in the core of success, and everything they decide to do in their life comes back with very generous rewards.

While they could become overly ambitious due to their nature to succeed, this is not their typical way of living their life. Success finds them without much effort on their part. And even though they can become highly wealthy, this is not something they are concerned about; very rarely, a person with the Eight of Clubs birth card goes after extreme wealth. They have their priorities already set, and no amount of materialist gains will shift their perspective of what success feels like; they know the actual value of happiness.

Extremely cheerful in their relationships, they make perfect lovers and friends. They genuinely care about others, and it will not be a surprise if you see them volunteering their free time to help others.

Personal Message: You attract success into your life exceptionally easily. However, this is not because you are lucky or that things just happened to you. Your success and all your accomplishments only occur due to your mental strength. Many believe that whatever you think about will somehow manifest into the real world, which is the exact science behind your results. It’s your mental ability that makes you the person that can achieve every single goal. Trust your instincts and rely on them to make the right decisions. And even though the Eight of Clubs is not a heart-guided heart, your heart plays a huge role in your life.

You may have noticed that you hold extraordinary healing abilities. If you haven’t, then it’s time to trust those internal gifts. One piece of advice that you should always keep in mind is to maintain your personal life and work-life separate. Holding a healthy balance between your both worlds will enable you to thrive at your best.

Famous People Who Share the Eight of Clubs Birth Card

Ian Somerdale, Nicki Minaj, and Hailee Steinfeld

Which playing card is My birth card? 

Look it up in the full list of cards sorted by birth date

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(e.g. „2 of clubs„ , „7 of clubs meaning„ , „3 of pentacles yes or no„  etc.)
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Eight of Clubs meaning in a card spread

8 of clubs meaning

Cartomancy is never based on the interpretation of a single card. It is the interplay of the cards that creates the most interesting insights.

Go ahead and try the card reading below.

If you get the 8 of clubs on the first go – that’s a sign of good luck. The Fortune  will smile gently and generously upon You.

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Today’s card reading is the Three Free Fortunes. It is based on the traditional French cartomancy. It is good for people who would like to get a quick, but serious reading of the day. 

A day without love is a year of emptiness… Check out your current standing with a Free Tarot Love Reading. It is good for people who appreciate the classic Rider Tarot presented in an accessible way. 

If you know what you are doing,  try the Free Card Spirits oracle. The unstable arcana spirits dwell in the beliefs of the consultant. If your belief is strong enough, they might help you in many ways – for example – conceive a baby, seduce a lover or curse an enemy. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners. 

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