This card is one of reflection, of looking back on the fruits of your labour. There is the possibility that you may be unhappy with the results of your work, as indicated by the scattering of the fruit on the card design.
Seven of Pentacles Reversed Description
A person stands, looking over the field of their labour. Admiring the fruits that have grown as a result of their hard work. This figure seems to be exhausted, probably fatigued after a long time of work. But they do not touch their harvest and bring it in early. Instead, they relax momentarily, getting ready to go back to work so that they can reach their long-term goal. When reversed, the field seems to look more scattered and instead represents a disappointment in the yield.
Reversed Seven of Pentacles main Meaning
When this card is reversed, it looks at the negative side of the hard work you have put in. Despite your effort, your yield is small, and it can, understandably, be quite discouraging for you to continue to work towards your long-term goals. Whilst you are taking this time to reflect, it is a good idea to look back on the choices that have led you to only having a small reward. Has your investment been worth it, and will it be worth it to continue in the future? This card can be applied to all kinds of things as life, things that you invest your time in can all reap rewards. It is possible that you need to re-evaluate how you are investing in this venture, maybe it is time to change how you have chosen to invest or perhaps it is time to back out of the whole venture.
Reversed Seven of Pentacles Meaning for Love
This card can easily apply to a relationship, despite on the surface looking like a card about your career. A relationship is an investment, you invest your time and your heart into making a companionship work. Perhaps, you have been putting a lot of work into your relationship and you are still feeling unsatisfied about something. The two of you may look good together on paper, but you can’t force a relationship and there is only so much time you should spend trying to make something work. If you have not yet spoken to your partner about how you are feeling, you should, and if they don’t proceed to change anything, it may be time to invest your heart somewhere else.
Seven of Pentacles Reversed as an Answer to ‘Should I leave them?’
Usually, this card appears if your relationship is at the breaking point. You can still salvage it, if your partner is willing to put in the same amount of work that you are. But if it has been such a long time and they do not seem to be willing to change, then this card might be here to reaffirm what you are thinking, that your relationship is not worth the amount of work that it needs to be maintained. However, you should be careful as sometimes your partner may not know that you are feeling like this or there may be something happening in their life that means they can’t put in the effort. You should talk to them and see if anything can be done.
Reversed Seven of Pentacles as Feelings
When it comes to feelings, this card is often negative and focuses on feelings of dissatisfaction and disappointment at the fruits of your labour. You may also feel fatigued and exhausted from the amount of work you have put in. These feelings are alluded to because the card is giving you time to evaluate whether the work you have been putting into this venture is worth it. It may also be a good time to look into your long-term goals. You may be realising that the feeling of satisfaction you were hoping to gain from your effort is not there and that may be because you are heading down the wrong path.
Reversed Seven of Pentacles as Advice
The biggest piece of advice this card gives you is to reflect. Whether the rewards you have gained are big or small you should reflect on how you got there. Are there any choices you regret making and do you feel as though all the time invested has been worth it? This piece of advice applies to any part of your life. Be it your romantic life, your work life or your financial status. Perhaps more than one of those aspects link together and you haven’t yet seen it. If you are unhappy, you need to reflect as to why this is, are you unhappy with the rewards regardless of the effort or are you unhappy with the effort because you are seeking more of the same rewards?
Reversed Seven of Pentacles Meaning for Job and Career
There appears to be an imbalance in work effort if this card is reversed. It might be that you are putting in too much effort. Doing that can lead to things such as easy mistakes in your work and also a decline in your physical and mental health, which will not help you at all. Or perhaps you are the opposite, and you are not putting enough effort in. It is possible that this is because all of your time and energy is being spent elsewhere. Either way, you are not getting the results you had hoped for in this career.
There is a way to fix this, come up with a strategic plan. Rather than working yourself silly, or giving up completely, you need to look at what method works the best for reaping rewards. For example, when I became a freelance writer, I set up a full work timetable so that I would be balancing my work effort with the rest of my life. If you are in a career that requires lots of individual projects to be completed, research some different methods for working on these projects and then you can try them out and see which one works best for you.
Reversed Seven of Pentacles as an Answer to ‘Should I leave my job?’
It is highly likely that you are unsatisfied in your work if this card has appeared, but unfortunately it does not give a clear yes or no answer in response to this question. Instead, you need to look at the reasons that you are unhappy with your job. If you are putting too much effort in for little gain, it might be time to look at a new career, but it is possible that you will end up in the same scenario that you are currently in. If you are unhappy with the rewards, you need to look at why you have the small reward that you have. Have you been putting minimal effort in? No matter what your job is, you will not be satisfied with your rewards if you are only willing to put the minimum amount of effort in. There are changes that you can make to keep yourself satisfied in your career, you need to look at how you can best balance your work life with the rest of your life. This card advices that you try to improve your current working situation before deciding if leaving your career is the right thing for you to do.
Reversed Seven of Pentacles Meaning for Money and Finance
When this card appears in a financial reading, it is likely in reference to an actual investment that you have made with your money. Maybe you decided to input some money into a business venture and are not happy with the returns. The pentacles are often used to symbolise coins and with this card, it shows that you are not getting enough payment for either your time, effort or money. It may be time to look back at your spending, see if you have spent a large amount of money on something reckless that you maybe don’t use, or perhaps there is a large sum investment that has gone out. Look at what these expenditures have brought you and see what you can do about them.
The solution to your money worries might be as simple as returning something that you bought on impulse. However, it may be a little more complicated if you have invested a large amount in someone else. You may need to go over the terms of your contract with them if you don’t think you have been given your fair share. Or alternatively, you may need to speak to them about pulling out of the venture altogether. It might be a difficult thing to do or discuss, but you have to remember, if you don’t have enough money to help yourself then you can’t be using it to help someone else. It may seem selfish but at the end of the day if you are unhappy then arrangements may need to be changed.
Mistress Hekate
Spirit of the Tarotland
Is there one God that rules the world of Tarot, or, perhaps – many Gods who dwell in the cards from the times immemorial?