mistress hekate picture final
royal ornament 2a

Hi there! Come in, don’t be shy.

You can call Mistress Hekate. I’m exited to help guide your spirit through the wilderness of life. Trough writing, I hope to pass on my teachings and ideas to help all people feel connected and in tune with their physical and spiritual bodies. I like to see myself as a positive being, a shoulder to cry on and counsellor to advise, if this comes across in my writing to you then I see that as a job well done. Even if you do not believe in practices of witchcraft, I want to relay a positive message to you all, the world needs different believers, as long as those beliefs don’t hurt anyone.

Are you ready?

Then open the card below and let’s start our journey.

royal ornament 2
hekates tarot
the past hekate tarot back
9 of pentacles 23


Classic meanings: Prudence, safety, success, accomplishment, certitude, discernment.

Concerning love, this card is clarified by: If an eligible young women isn’t paying attention to a man, then that man will feel compelled to hunt her.

Original description of the card by the author – Arthur Edward Waite: A woman, with a bird upon her wrist, stands amidst a great abundance of grape-vines in the garden of a manorial house. It is a wide domain, suggesting plenty in all things. Possibly it is her own possession and testifies to material well-being.

the present hekate tarot back
Queen of pentacles 51


Classic meanings: Opulence, generosity, magnificence, security, liberty.

The signifficance for love is explained by specific arcanum: Several times you had been very close to it, but it just never quite happened. What you should know is that you have to break walls before you build love.

Original description of the card by the author – Arthur Edward Waite: The face suggests that of a dark woman, whose qualities might be summed up in the idea of greatness of soul, she has also the serious cast of intelligence, she contemplates her symbol and may see worlds therein.

the future hekate tarot back
8 of pentacles 60


Classic meanings: Work, employment, commission, craftsmanship, skill in craft and business, perhaps in the preparatory stage.

In relation to love and feelings, this card has additional arcanum: The years he’d spent looking for her had left permanent scars on his heart.

Original description of the card by the author – Arthur Edward Waite: An artist in stone at his work, which he exhibits in the form of trophies.

Is there one God that rules the world of Tarot, or, perhaps – many Gods who dwell in the cards from the times immemorial?

Personally, I believe that there is not a singular divine being who influences our world but instead a divine energy that feeds into the universe’s core, and we all contribute to this energy. That is not to say that simply staying positive is the cure to everything, but it is certainly not a bad start. I see negativity often gain more ground and popularity than positivity and it damages the soul of myself and the world.

Through meditation, I have seen the beautiful colours of the world that can only be seen through your mind. I have felt the flow of angelic energy through my body and I know that you can feel it too. You may think that my words are utter poppycock and that this is all just a placebo inside of my head. To that I say, so what if it is? If I can find myself in a state of calm and euphoria when practicing tarot and meditation, then it doesn’t matter to me whether I got there through true spirit or a placebo effect.

hekate with birds
royal ornament 3

What am I good at?

My specialities include reading tea leaves and working with tarot card interpretation. I think both of these practices are divine and can help you more than you may know. However, I do not claim to know everything, and I am excited to accompany you all on the journey and learn with you.

One thing that I am frequently asked is what my favourite tarot card is and the answer to that is The Sun. In my mind, it is one of the most positive cards that you can pull in a reading and as someone who has dealt with anxiety and depression for most of her life, I can say that seeing it never fails to put a smile on my face and it will always give me that semblance of hope that I so truly desire.

In my mind, my spirit is best represented through the moth, a being flying to the light and forever searching for its desire. If you see a moth remember these words that Mistress Hekate said to you, keep searching and don’t give up for you will eventually find your light.

Mistress Hekate

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