The Ace of Cups reversed represents the anguish of current relations. As you draw this unwelcome card, you are entering a period of great uncertainty in love leaving you lonely, hurt and confused. Expect communication to be negative, as thoughtless acts divert you off the course to your own happiness.
Reversed Ace of Cups Description
The reversed Ace of Cups displays the loving cup of joy displaced and hanging upside down. The hand that usually holds it steady and representing the core stability of your love and soul connection is no longer protecting it, meaning it is free to fall to the ground. The water overspilling the beautiful cup is now up in the air, looking a little like rain.
As the dove of peace turns, so does the element of serenity in your life. Love is no longer able to reach you from an outside source, instead the rain now falling could be the indication you need to turn your love inward.
Reversed Ace of Cups main Meaning

My dear, love, for now at least, has simply vanished. This doesn’t mean it had to be your fault, or that of your souls, but whatever the reason, it is gone or at the very least, incredibly turbulent. In any reading, this card pulled would signal an unwelcome shift in your personal life. When unexplained events cause distress, positive way to emerge from the storm is to begin to learn to love yourself, and make time for your own heart. What does this mean for you right now?
The chances of a break up or divorce are high as stress sits tightly in your house of love. It may or may not come as a huge shock to you, but you need to be aware that something is coming to an end. Does this mean the end of everything for you, my dear? On the contrary. What do we learn from heartache? We learn strength, resilience and we are empowered for our journey ahead. Scars only serve to remind us of how we got to this day, but they no longer cause pain.
What Does Ace of Cups Reversed Mean For Love?
Reversed Ace of Cups – Does He Love Me?
The chances seem to be a strong no. The both of you have tried, but like lightning and water, both of you are beautiful but together you simply do not work. Not feeling the love from another does not make you any less valuable. Try to see your worth during this time and focus on yourself.
Reversed Ace of Cups – Love or Friendship
Love for you simply has ceased to exist at this time. You may even be feeling that in your own heart as well, and it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Life cycles are never ending, and as you think one door closes, another opens. This is what gets us through the struggles in life – the concept of hope. Friendship is worth far more than a broken heart.
Reversed Ace of Cups – Is Your Love Cheating?
Whenever the Ace of Cups in reverse is pulled, it always gives me a sense of pain. If you are requiring the knowledge of disloyalty, the likelihood is that this is case. It may not be conventional, physical unfaithfulness, but there is most certainly an emotional air of disinterest in your own soul connection, and you most likely have come to this conclusion afore the card was even revealed.
Reversed Ace of Cups as Feelings
Feelings For You
You may be feeling particularly vulnerable at the moment, and that is alright. If you have been cheated or wronged, your glass is going to feel half empty. You want a soul to share life with, and your feelings may appear to be wasted in this instance.
Maybe theses feelings overwhelm the other soul, or maybe they are not reciprocated. The liberating notion is that you can love, and love hard. If you look after your own heart, you can pass it to another who will eventually take good care of it. Trust that good always outweighs sadness.
Feelings for Someone
As you assess your heart and discover exactly how it appears to others, it is the disillusionment that causes a great sense of loss to them. They hold dear what they hold dear, but you cannot force somebody to love another and at the moment, you have had enough.
Don’t feel frustrated, and try not to convey your feelings as hostility or anger. Be honest, be open and admit to yourself that a previous cherished and loving entity has indeed come to an end. If you treat this parting of ways with great respect, you may salvage good memories and lessons learned.
Reversed Ace of Cups as Advice
Am I On The Right Path?
Paths can be incredibly devious. Is there a wrong path that you take, or is the path meant for you and there for a reason – a lesson to learn? Times of difficulty are often magnified by added stress or sadness. When we take a step back and look at the beauty around us, we can tune back into ourselves and find our way back to happiness. I believe here is a great time to do that.
Is He Cheating?
I wonder, dear soul. Do you want him to be cheating? Do you suspect it and feel heartbroken? I would like to think you are asking this question because you already know that an unfaithful soul has no place in your divine world. Any being who dismisses your love in return for that of another
Is He My Soulmate?
You can wish for someone to be your soulmate, but if sparks aren’t flying and hearts aren’t beating, then it isn’t meant to be. Do you think you will find this with another soul in the future, one who lights your fire as much as you do theirs? Absolutely. Timing is everything.
Reversed Ace of Cups Meaning For Job and Career
What Is Your Dream?
You my not have much awareness of your dreams at the moment, as turbulence takes a firm front seat in your life. Rest assured, they still sit firmly in the back of your mind, but you are juggling so much, it may seem hard to believe your dreams exist. Is there some time you can take to recharge and make a list of reminders? I hope so.
Whom Can You Count On For Support?
I believe most certainly that the people you feel you can rely on have let you down. It can leave a dull ache in the hearts of kind should when they are let down by love, but just know that without a little love for yourself, you won’t get far. If it takes all your energy, this is something you need to start learning to do. Remind others of your presence.
Do You Believe That Making Money Will Make You Happy?
In order to make money, you need to be doing something you love. The heart of the Ace of Cups in reverse is the huge message from the deities of tarot and how desperate they are to pull you away from grief and loss. If you are happy, you will gravitate and manifest all that you desire.
Reversed Ace of Cups Meaning For Money and Finance
Should I borrow Money?
To play it extra safe, I don’t think it is wise for you to be borrowing too much. There are of course much stronger times in life where it feels secure enough to ask for some help but that the moment, it would be wise to steer clear of owing others something until your head is more level.
How To Save Money For A Holiday
Ensure all you need to pay for, has been paid for. The boring and mundane. The bills. The food. The car. What have you left? Is it enough to live on and enjoy plus save? If it isn’t, question your lifestyle. If it is, save what you can and know that your holiday awaits!
What Should I spend My Money On?
The advice here is that you do not have an endless supply of money. You are mindful that in order to even live, you need to pay what you owe or need for your life to be comfortable. If you see something you like, do not throw caution to the wind. Use your thoughts and piece them together in the same way you piece money together over time. Save.

Lady Avalon of The Night
Majesty of the Rivers and Mists
I am Lady Avalon of The Night
A blessed being in disguise
My hair flows freely in the breeze
My guidance helps you feel at ease.