Judgement tarot card meaning
The Judgement card calls you to self reflect on your behaviours and values. Your last call before life takes a huge change for you, it is there to ask you if your actions match your beliefs. If they do, go forth with confidence. If they don’t, there is time to awaken your heart and mind.

Detailed meanings of Judgement
Judgement in the Egyptian (Grand Etteilla) tarot
Card number 16. – Trial. Judgment (The Last Judgment).
Upright. Judgment, case in court won. Near card number 61: certain victory. Near card number 17: succession, change of management or job leading to difficulties.
Reversed. – Loss of a trial, disgrace.
Judgement as Advice
“Holding on is believing that there’s only a past; letting go is knowing that there’s a future.” – Daphne Rose Kingma
Letting Go and Moving On
The hardest part of moving forward into the future is letting go of the past. However, this does not mean that you can’t appreciate the road that has led you thus far; instead, you must be able to maintain the lessons that your past has taught you, while simultaneously leaving room for the things that the future will bring. The Judgement tarot card tells us that it is time to be critical of what we hold on to, and to release our grip on all that is unnecessary. It reminds us that we are the are the catalysts for change in our lives, and it is only with our own permission that we are able to switch from one phase of our lives to the next.
Don’t allow sentimentality to lead you to stagnation, and funnel your time and efforts into the positive changes that the road ahead may bring. Focus on the transformation on the horizon, and pay no attention to those who would wish to hold you back. If they truly care for you, then they will be able to accept the new person that will emerge from this period of metamorphosis. Trust in the fact that this change is for the better, as it will help shape you into a more enlightened individual.
Judgement meaning for a Relationship
Moving on after a rough patch in your romantic life can be particularly difficult. This doesn’t always mean getting over heartbreak; even finding the strength to keep going after a fight in an otherwise healthy relationship can be a taxing ordeal. Many times, these issues arise because there is a change that desperately needs to happen in order for us to learn and grow as partners. You may have to remove a toxic person from your life, let go of fears or suspicions that you have been harboring due to past experiences, or even learn how to let yourself open up to the person that you cherish the most. All fights serve some sort of purpose, but it can be difficult to cope with the fact that we may need to leave many things in the past in order to truly heal from them.
A recent change in your romantic life has taught you a valuable lesson and brought about great change, but has simultaneously forced you to lose something from your past. Perhaps you lost a romantic partner, and are finally starting to heal from the damage that they left behind. Or maybe you’ve identified a source of great tension in your current relationship, and are taking the steps to grow as a person so as to reduce the stress on both you and your partner.
While it may be difficult, it is essential for your future progress that you let go of whatever you have been holding on to; this may be a memory, a habit, or even a prejudice that you have against certain types of people. It can be painful, releasing your grip on something that has been such a big part of you life and relationships up until this point. However, that period of your romantic life had ended, and it is time to move into the next phase with a fresh face and an open mind.
Classic interpretation of Judgement by A.E.Waite

I have said that this symbol is essentially invariable in all Tarot sets, or at least the variations do not alter its character. The great angel is here encompassed by clouds, but he blows his bannered trumpet, and the cross as usual is displayed on the banner. The dead are rising from their tombs—a woman on the right, a man on the left hand, and between them their child, whose back is turned. But in this card there are more than three who are restored, and it has been thought worth while to make this variation as illustrating the insufficiency of current explanations. It should be noted that all the figures are as one in the wonder, adoration and ecstasy expressed by their attitudes. It is the card which registers the accomplishment of the great work of transformation in answer to the summons of the Supernal—which summons is heard and answered from within.
Herein is the intimation of a significance which cannot well be carried further in the present place. What is that within us which does sound a trumpet and all that is lower in our nature rises in response—almost in a moment, almost in the twinkling of an eye? Let the card continue to depict, for those who can see no further, the Last Judgment and the resurrection in the natural body; but let those who have inward eyes look and discover therewith. They will understand that it has been called truly in the past a card of eternal life, and for this reason it may be compared with that which passes under the name of Temperance.
Judgement meaning for your Job & Career
While stability in any career is incredibly valuable, the desire for steady employment may lead us to fall into a state of stagnation. In order to make a certain amount of money, achieve desired benefits, or even maintain certain professional connections, it can be easy for us to stay in situations that are objectively undesirable. Perhaps you are allowing yourself to stay in a field that you’ve been in for many years due to the fear of having to relearn a trade from step-one. Or maybe you allowed yourself to remain in a position of constant stress and abuse from your coworkers because, “at least it pays the bills“. You are unwilling to let go of the current benefits that you are receiving, and this has allowed you to put up with even the most absurd circumstances.
Now is the time for you to move forward into the future of your career with confidence, even if this means letting go of the job you’ve become so familiar with. This may mean putting your stability on the line, but there is most likely good reason that you may want to leave our current situation in the past. Even if you have to work with temporary setbacks, you will quickly find that any risks you may need to take in order to progress in your career will be worth it in the end.
Start looking for a new job in your desired field, apply for that promotion, or consider going back to school in order to receive a higher education. Don’t be intimidated by the change this will bring in your life, and try not to dwell on any sentimentality that may be holding you to your job. This period of your life is coming to a close, and you risk missing out on massive opportunities should you remain in your current position due to the refusal to move on.
Reversed Judgement (in depth)
Going after change can be especially frustrating when we feel as though there are constantly obstacles in the way of desired progress. When the Judgement tarot card appears in the reversed position, is may be a sign that you are struggling with hurdles that you have no power to move, and are having a tough time finding a new path forward. Now is the time for you to reconsider your methodology and accept the fact that there are some doors that we simply aren’t able to open on our own.
Instead of focusing your efforts on the impossible, try to think of new ways to approach the same problem. Are there any perspectives that you may be overlooking? Is there a tool that you may have in your possession, but you hadn’t thought of applying until now? Focus on moving forward in general instead of along a specific path, and you will find that new avenues will open themselves to you naturally.
Judgement YES or NO (in depth)
Judgement is a major arcana card that symbolizes new beginnings. The message of this card is resurrection and the awakening of life. This card is most often depicted with an angel holding a trumpet, surrounded by humans emerging from their graves. Judgement is a true YES card.
- Upright – Yes or No Meaning
- Reversed – Yes or No Meaning
- Judgement Upright for Love – Yes or No
- Judgement Reversed for Love – Yes or No
- Judgement Upright for Advice – Yes or No
- Judgment Reversed for Advice – Yes or No
- Judgement Upright for Career – Yes or No
- Judgement Reversed for Career – Yes or No
- Judgement Upright for Finance – Yes or No
- Judgement Reversed for Finance – Yes or No
- The Answer to ‘Should I trust them?’

Judgement meaning in a card spread. Try the original Cardarium readings.

A day without love is a year of emptiness… Check out your current standing with a Free Tarot Love Reading. It is good for people who appreciate the classic Rider Tarot presented in an accessible way.
If you know what you are doing, try the Free Card Spirits oracle. The unstable arcana spirits dwell in the beliefs of the consultant. If your belief is strong enough, they might help you in many ways – for example – conceive a baby, seduce a lover or curse an enemy. It is a dangerous kind of cartomancy, so it is not for the beginners.

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