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Is tarot New Age

Born in Europe over 500 years ago (just a fraction older than me), tarot cards are most certainly not ‘new’ to this world. They long served a purpose as a fun way to pass time for the affluent, before extending their images to deeper, more mystical meanings. Why then, over recent years, have we seen a huge increase in the tarot phenomenon? What has made this mystical concept so enticing to either practice or find a reliable reader?

Personally speaking, I have always been intrigued with the meanings and interpretations of the 60 minor arcana and 22 major arcana cards, but only as an adult have I explored the fun behind using them. So what brought the explosion of tarot bounding into the new age?

The Curiosity Of The New Age

Fascination with tarot has grown at an exceptional rate over the past few decades. You know that though, because you’re here and wanting to know more. These mystical, fun cards have found their way quite happily into mainstream culture and are viewed as a fun way to gain guidance in our lives and situations. Now more than ever, people like you and I use this guidance, those cards dealt, to reconnect with our spiritual selves. Whilst the cards will never be able to tell you what to do or give you specific answers, the meaning of each has the gift to resonate with your circumstances and offer hope or clarity where it may not have been before.

New age spirituality, similar to practices such as yoga or horoscopes, has led many who feel disconnected or lost, to a clearer path. Tarot is no exception. No longer do you have to follow a specific religious or non religious path in order to appreciate a shuffle or two, which allows the doors of acceptance when it comes to introducing this new hobby to your lives, to fully open. New meanings can be catalysts for change and new beginnings, and often that is what we seek when we go to our deck, and associate our past, present and future with those constantly modified illustrations.

Times Change, People Change!

Do you ever recall somebody telling you tarot cards are nonsense? I do. I remember my Grandmother telling me ‘the dark arts were not to be messed with.’ Of course tarot isn’t ‘dark’ and no curses or spells exist within them, but new to time and our ever changing world, they are fun. So much fun in fact, that social media is filled with readers who have hundreds of thousands of followers. Are you one of them? I see so many comments online saying, ‘Oh my God, you just described my life!’ or, ‘I’m a Leo and I am going through this exact thing with my boss/spouse/friend!’ As broad as readings can be for various astrological signs, we find what we want to find in them.

Grandma sadly isn’t around to witness what she will undoubtedly call ‘the madness’ of tarot growing daily, but if she were, she wouldn’t be able to deny the power behind its evolution. I love the way artists worldwide are launching their own versions of tarot cards, designing new and beautiful ways in which cards such as The High Priestess or The Devil are depicted. The divine offerings of multi racial images in different settings to represent the original meanings has continued towards the notion that tarot is inclusive to all.

What Brought You Here?

Don’t get me wrong, I’m thrilled you have reached me! But why don’t you take a moment to think about what both tarot and new age mean to you personally? Are you on a journey right now that has led you to wanting to get to know the cards? Have you just purchased your first deck and are excited to begin to practise different spreads? I find it enchanting that so many are spellbound by the art of guidance through tarot, and the gaining of popularity alone leads me to feel we are united on a magical yet light hearted wave of exploration.

People approach me almost every day and ask me how I began my journey in tarot and I tell them how relaxing it is to shuffle cards and pick one, offering ways I can guide myself into or out of what life throws my way. I also like that something with such history has made its own journey into our modern, busy and sometimes uncertain lives. Thanks to the internet (you’re welcome), readings, advice, meanings and information is all accessibly at the touch of a screen.

Whilst they should never be taken 100% seriously, there are many ways in which tarot cards compliment the focus on our health and well being, not to mention self-exploration. Used correctly, they offer light entertainment and the inclination to notice things about the world around us that we may have otherwise ignored.

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Lady Avalon of The Night

Majesty of the Rivers and Mists

I am Lady Avalon of The Night
A blessed being in disguise
My hair flows freely in the breeze
My guidance helps you feel at ease.

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