Oracle Cards of the Unstable Arcana

spirits in my head picture

How To Read Spirits in My Head Cards

There are nine piles of unstable arcana cards below. Use your intuition and choose three piles, then – draw a card from each of them. The spirits might have a message for you … or, perhaps, it’s You who might have  a message for THEM?

Why should I open only 3 cards? Can’t I open all of them?

You might draw more cards, if you like, but it is very important that you make a choice. Spiritual card reading is not about cards, it is about YOU. If you don’t make any choices, if you do everything by default, then where is your personal input? You have to exercise your divine right to make choices in order to get a meaningful answer from the cards. (Of course, you might also decide to open all of the cards. If it is a conscious decision, it is OK. )

Those spirits are really mean. I got a terrible answer. What should I do?

Most of the unstable arcana cards are benign, but some are evil, and some are outright bloodthirsty. If you get favorable messages from the cards you draw – it means you have a lucky hand today. If you get a mean answer – do not get discouraged. Think of it as a sign, that you have to be more focused and extra careful with everything you do. In the end – you are master of your destiny. Luck and chance can influence it, but you still have your independent spirit, you still have your promises to keep, and miles to go before you sleep, and miles to go before you sleep.  

I have bad feeling. Should I open the cards?

You have to remember that cards with their back side up are silent – they don’t mean and don’t say anything. But if you turn them – their effect can’t be undone. So, if your intuition says it is not a good day for you – don’t draw them. Just leave them be and come another day.

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You are more fortunate than thousands of your companions.
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Your lover is about to cheat on you. But if you put your heart into your relationship this can be corrected.
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Your health will not be affected by change of climate.
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Don’t be in too much of a hurry: Everything comes in good time to those who wait.
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I know a sure way to make a large fortune: spend only half of one’s income each year. (It’s not as silly as it sounds).
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A long journey is before you.
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Three months of honeymoon, three months of disenchantment, three months of abuse, three months of legal proceedings until you reach a divorce.
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With hard work, conduct, character and intelligence, you will certainly make your fortune, but then again, foolish luck must be with you.
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A malignant fever will seize you : — despair not; — you will recover, and live many years!

This is it, mortal. Spirits don’t have anything more to say today. Come back tomorrow.

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