Since you are here, you must have felt it too. Like a pair of bright eyes in the middle of the night, that drive, that desire, that voice inside your head that makes you chase knowledge. The knowledge to seize your present, to build the future, to let go of the past and understand everything that is your life.
Don’t worry, you are in the right place. You, me, and countless others have searched for answers all of our lives, and it’s through the cards that we can learn all that keeps our imaginations and dreams alive.

Why the cards you might ask? The reason is simple, it’s because we all are travelers. From the moment we are born we learn to walk ahead, time does not stop for anybody, and every breath we take is but another chapter of our journeys. All of our lives can be summed up as one long journey, one full of precious and trying chapters, and that’s what cards record. All the journeys that have been, all the journeys that will be, all the moments that have been experienced in this world, all the futures that have yet to be realized.
Each card, each deck, each art, and each belief. They all tell but the same story, the tale of man, the tale of life, the tale of you and me. Every step that we go through in our lives is carefully recorded in the cards that have been passed down from generation. They might seem simple at first glance, no more than another piece of art. And yet each one is in reality a window to the journey that makes human life. By relying on these windows, on these brief yet timeless moments we learn all there is to know about ourselves. We can explore our deepest feelings, know our biggest fears and learn our true strengths. The windows that are revealed to us teach us about our current journey, what’s our current step and what will the future hold. And by knowing, by learning, by listening to all those who have traveled before us we can make sure our life follows its intended path.

About me:
I am just like you, one of many travelers looking to make sense of his journey and learn more about the world. And just like every other single actor in your life, we can learn from each other. In my travels, I’ve made an effort to learn all I can, to understand what motivates people and why we continue to advance.
I’m here to teach you more about all the possible readings the cards hold, to guide you and let you see how they apply to your life, and perhaps more importantly to let you know that not everything is what it seems at first. Adversity can be the path to leads to a bigger victory. A bad omen can cause a positive change in your life. Remember that life is not the next five seconds of your life, remember that a struggle can be a chance to learn and that the cards are always looking to help.
The Silver WandererÂ

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