My Tarot Today

2022 01 01

What it is all about?

This daily tarot reading gives insights into your bright and dark sides, as well as omens of your destiny. Every day you are a new person, different from what you were yesterday. So is this card reading – it’s never the same. It is updated every day.

So, what’s in your cards today, on January 1, 2022? 

– There are 28 cards on the bright side, 23 cards on the dark side and 27 glimpses into the future.

– Hidden among them there are 4 Powerful cards (effect +3 or more) and 2 Epic cards (effect +5 of more).

If you open any of the rare cards on your first try – make sure to brag about it! That‘s a strong destiny hint for you.

Also, don’t forget to shuffle the cards!  Your personal touch is an absolute requirement! 


Message from the Editor for today’s reading:

A few days ago one of our readers asked: ” Do Tarot readings work? Can you prove it?”

Of course, there is no way to prove or disprove the metaphysical. But we know without any doubt – we are what we think. If you set your mind that you should be loved – you will be loved.  If you are confident in your success – you will succeed. If you look deep into your intuition – often you will find the right answer to a difficult problem. Tarot can help you with all of this.  It works.

The reading motto today is this:  Value your Yesterday. Be confident about your Today. Prepare for your Tomorrow.

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nugarele past final b
glimpse into the futurea

glimpse into the futurea

glimpse into the futurea

nugarele past final b
tarot luck card

tarot luck card

tarot luck card

nugarele past final b
tarot luck card

tarot luck card

tarot luck card

This is it for today, traveler.

Come back tomorrow.

Oh, and if you have something to comment  – don’t be shy to write a message below. We post the most interesting comments the following day. If Tarot works for you – let us know! We at Cardarium are a bit crazy about card readings. The right kind, the passionate kind of crazy 🙂

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