Duchess Dunsinane main picture

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Be quiet, stranger. I do not wish to harm you… but if you value your life – make no sudden moves. You will not speak before I speak. 

When you come to me, you must remember that with light comes shadows.  Darkness follows light, and light follows darkness.  Here, you will find both. 

My name is Deandra, The Duchess of Dunsinane, and I will help guide you through both the light and the dark of your mind. 

Please, for your own sake – maintain complete silence until I give you a sign.

The Duchess of Dunsinane will delve into the very depths of your soul to bring forth your deepest desires.

Come, sit down. Let’s reveal your destiny.

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Duchess Tarot
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Classic meanings: Bad news, violent chagrin, crisis, censure, power in trammels, conflict, calumny, also sickness.

In this tarot spread the card has complementary explanation: He didn’t deserve compassion. He deserved worse, far worse than he had ever been given.

Original description of the card by the author – Arthur Edward Waite: A woman, bound and hoodwinked, with the swords of the card about her. Yet it is rather a card of temporary durance than of irretrievable bondage.

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Classic meanings: Authority, overseeing, secret service, vigilance, spying, examination, and the qualities thereto belonging.

In relation to love and feelings, this card has additional arcanum: Thank god he’s holding me because if he weren’t, I’d float away like a large happily smiling ballon.

Original description of the card by the author – Arthur Edward Waite: A lithe, active figure holds a sword upright in both hands, while in the act of swift walking. He is passing over rugged land, and about his way the clouds are collocated wildly. He is alert and lithe, looking this way and that, as if an expected enemy might appear at any moment.

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Classic meanings: It is a card of valor, for, on the surface, six are attacking one, who has, however, the vantage position. On the intellectual plane, it signifies discussion, wordy strife, in business—negotiations, war of trade, barter, competition. It is further a card of success, for the combatant is on the top and his enemies may be unable to reach him.

A special insight for love: Believing the words of an eager lover is what got you into this situation.

Original description of the card by the author – Arthur Edward Waite: A young man on a craggy eminence brandishing a staff, six other staves are raised towards him from below.

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The wisdom I impart comes from your sacred energies.  Close your eyes, keep silent. Arrive open to the power that is bestowed upon us as we feel the cards for their divine intervention.

I will not give you the answers.  I will guide you to your inner power, strengthen your intuition, and help you trust your own wisdom.  We work with the power of the moon.  The moon’s influence will help you to reflect on your own natural magic.

 The phases of the moon will provide you with the healing powers of both darkness and light.

Be prepared as I read with a dark deck.  I aim to unlock the deepest layers of your soul.  I encourage you to delve deeper than your comfort level to find the depths of your desires.  It is not easy to peel your own layers hence my involvement with the help of the dark and wise.

Everyone has a dark side.  Embrace it and learn from it.  You can’t deny your emotions, but you can learn to harness them and accept that they exist.  

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About me:

Though I am not a witch, I hold the wisdom of one.  I have been appointed custodian of the witches’ oracles and given access to their prophetic insight.  I can reveal the mystical realms to you and what is required to bring positive change into your life.  The spells and magic that connect you to the elements are in my power to reveal.  I draw on the power of the witches, the moon, and the mystical realm to reveal your desires.

My Dome of Discovery is near the village of Collace in Perthshire, Scotland.  Dunsinane Hill has been my home all my life.  It is my sanctum of solitude where I do my best work.

Duchess Deandra of Dunisnane

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