card reading

Three Free Fortunes Card Reading

Love? Money? Success in career? What’s in your cards today?

Three cards – three insights into your fortune are waiting for you below. 

How to read the cards? Follow these steps:

  • Turn each of the three cards below in order to see what’s in your cards today.
  • Click the opened cards one more time to get a detailed interpretation of their meaning.
  • If you’d like to get another reading – just shuffle the cards and try again. 

Take a minute to close your eyes and calm down. Focus your spirit. Be firm – don’t complain, don’t ask, don’t beg – COMMAND the cards by the unwavering force of your spirit to give you an OMEN and an ANSWER.

Then click on the cards to turn them. Don’t rush like a silly child to turn every card immediately. Proceed slowly, showing respect for yourself and for your power to control your destiny.

Fortune telling cards are like dogs. They can smell weakness and fear a mile away. Make sure that you impose your will on them, or else they will impose their will on you.

You have to remember that cards with their back side up are silent – they don’t mean and don’t say anything. But if you turn them – their effect can’t be undone. So, if your intuition says it is not a good day for you – don’t draw them. Just leave them be and come another day.

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new card back
Jack of diamonds card reading


Isolated, the Jack of Diamonds represents the postman or, better said, the messenger. It also symbolizes a young soldier or an unfaithful servant (assistant, employee); sometimes a young blond man, traitor and of bad morals.
If the consultant is a young man, it is the announcement of new lovers.
If it is a young girl or a single woman, it is the certainty that, soon, a suitor will make himself known; he will be blond and pretty boy.
If, on the contrary, the consultant is married, he will soon learn of a somebody’s else marriage; but this card, surrounded by it, has many and varied meanings.

The Jack of Diamonds with a
Spade ♠: Treachery, infidelity.
Heart ♥: Certainty of marriage and news of birth.
Diamond ♦: Young risk-taking man, adventurer of misconduct.
Club ♣: Somebody will ask to borrow money from you.

Having on the left a
Spade ♠: A dark man you have every reason to fear.
Heart ♥: Love. Letter coming soon.
Diamond ♦: Null card.
Club ♣: Money that will be lost. Theft.

The Jack of Diamonds, with the
King of Diamonds: News from a young adventurous man.
Between two sevens: News of a pregnancy.
Touching the Ten of Diamonds: Distant journey. (The other card touching it becomes null and void.)
Touching the ace of Clubs: News of an inheritance. (The other card touching it becomes null and void.)
Between two face cards: deceit, treachery, infidelity.
Between two aces: The Jack of Diamonds says nothing; he is absolutely silent.

new card back
8 of diamonds card reading


Bad words, actions, travel.

The Eight of Diamonds having to right, a
Spade ♠: Distant travel without any profit.
Heart ♥: A journey full of pleasure.
Diamond ♦: Efforts without success.
Club ♣: Loss of money.

Having on the left a
Spade ♠: A friend’s slander.
Heart ♥: Wedding trip or trip to the city to attend a wedding.
Diamond ♦: Efforts without success.
Club ♣: Money found.

Between two cards of the same value: Travel postponed.
Between two Hearts: Husband and wife will make steps to become closer.
Between two Clubs: Travel for very small inheritance or business gain.
Between two spades or two low cards of Diamonds: unsuccessful efforts.
Between the Queen of Clubs and the King of Spades: Disunion.
Between two Diamond figures; The card is null; it does not speak.

new card back
10 of clubs card reading


Like the Ace of Clubs, this card is the card of fortune.
Success, abundance, prosperity, unexpected succession, success in everything; such is the meaning of isolated Ten of Clubs.
Regardless of the place it occupies in the game being played, placed next to any card, this Ten is a very positive omen.
Judge for yourself:

Having on the right a
Spade ♠: Inheritance from a distant relative or another unexpected large financial gain.
Heart ♥: Joy. – Success in everything.
Diamond ♦: Gift from a friend.
Club ♣: A substantial sum of money lost, but then recovered with interest.

Having on the left a
Spade ♠: Change of job position. Exciting job prospects.
Heart ♥: Assured and unexpected wealth.
Diamond ♦: A gift from a man who is not from your town.
Club ♣: Money that is not expected.

Between two figures of Kings or Jacks: Support of men.
Between two ladies: Rich wedding leading to a rich family. – Sincere friends.
Between a King and a Lady: Protection of married couple. Believe it or not – they care about you much more than you deserve.
Near the Queen of Spades: Money from a widow (or divorced or lone person). The other card with the Ten of Clubs is null; it does not speak.

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