card reading

Three Free Fortunes Card Reading

Love? Money? Success in career? What’s in your cards today?

Three cards – three insights into your fortune are waiting for you below. 

How to read the cards? Follow these steps:

  • Turn each of the three cards below in order to see what’s in your cards today.
  • Click the opened cards one more time to get a detailed interpretation of their meaning.
  • If you’d like to get another reading – just shuffle the cards and try again. 

Take a minute to close your eyes and calm down. Focus your spirit. Be firm – don’t complain, don’t ask, don’t beg – COMMAND the cards by the unwavering force of your spirit to give you an OMEN and an ANSWER.

Then click on the cards to turn them. Don’t rush like a silly child to turn every card immediately. Proceed slowly, showing respect for yourself and for your power to control your destiny.

Fortune telling cards are like dogs. They can smell weakness and fear a mile away. Make sure that you impose your will on them, or else they will impose their will on you.

You have to remember that cards with their back side up are silent – they don’t mean and don’t say anything. But if you turn them – their effect can’t be undone. So, if your intuition says it is not a good day for you – don’t draw them. Just leave them be and come another day.

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King of diamonds card reading


The King of Diamonds sometimes symbolizes a soldier, or more generally – a man in a dangerous occupation, exposed to risks of injury or violent death (policeman, firefighter, roof-tiler, aircraft pilot and similar professions with elevated risks). For a young woman or a divorced woman, the isolated card means a proposal for marriage from a man in a dangerous occupation.
It also represents a blond man, self-important, haughty, fearsome, deceitful; in a word, a bad man.
It is one of the cards whose meaning depends mostly on the cards surrounding it.
So the number of its exceptions, i.e. special cards that give it a different meaning, is quite varied, as you will see below.

This card announces, having on the right a
Spade ♠: Naughty, quarrelsome man, whom you should be wary of.
Heart ♥: A beginning of a relationship with someone, who is not good for you. If the consultant is married: new acquaintance not to be frequented.
Diamond ♦: Flatterer of which we have everything to fear.
Club ♣: Somebody will try to steal from you.

Having on the left a
Spade ♠: Obstacle in your projects by a blond man.
Heart ♥: Serious suitor. If the consultant is old or married: loving and honest man.
Diamond ♦: Quarrel.
Club ♣: Advantageous offer by a blond man.

The King of diamonds placed between two face cards, whatever they may be, means: Disunity, confusion.
With the Jack of DiamondS: News from a young man in a dangerous profession.
Between two SpadeS: Rivalry.
With the Queen of HeartS: Love of a soldier. For married or elderly people: Upcoming acquaintance of an honest man, military.
Having an ace on the right, the usual meaning of the card on the left is nil. Instead, this announces, regardless of the colour of the card on the left – upcoming trip away related to some danger or a man in dangerous business.
The King of Diamonds, between two diamonds, announces the visit of a man from out of town.

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King of spades card reading


Lawman, widower, a divorced man, man of bad faith, envious person who seeks to harm, a man who wants only sex and does not care a tiny bit about you, evil dark man; here comes the King of Spades. This is one of the worst, if not the worst card in the deck.
You might be better off by not looking into omens that it brings.

Taken in isolation, this King announces:
To a married man: Conflict, law officer, trial.
To a married woman: Temporary, but serious extramarital love affair and interference in your family or relationship. Even though you know that the King of spades is bad for you, you still want him and are unable to resist the temptation. A charming lover will soon turn into a brutal tyrant, who will put an enormous strain on your emotions. If it does not last too long, you might succeed to keep this affair private.
To a single man: Rivalry.
To a young girl: Unfaithful lover.
To a divorced person: Upcoming marriage with another divorced person.
To a widowed person: failure of a relationship that looked like a promising new start.

The King of Spades having on the right a
Spade ♠: Terrible omen. Bad dark man who wants to hurt you and abuse you. The omen is worse if the consultant is represented by a positive and happy card. In the worst it can mean a rape or daily physical and emotional abuse in a relationship.
Heart ♥: Sorrow caused by a divorced man. – Rejection of love, refusal to marry.
Diamond ♦: A lawyer will set a trap for you.
Club ♣: You will be sued soon, and you will lose the case.

Having on the left a
Spade ♠: A greedy and stingy man is trying to fool you.
Heart ♥: Sorrow caused by a divorced man. – Refusal to marry.
Diamond ♦: A lawyer will set a trap for you.
Club ♣: You will soon be prosecuted and you will lose your trial.

Between two cards of the same value: Sickness.
Next to the Queen of Spades: Marriage; the other card touching the king becomes a silent; it does not speak. This is a positive card combination, surprisingly.
Between aces: You’ll go to jail.
Between two Aces, IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWED or PREVIOUS by a number of other Spades:
This is the most terrible sign that can be revealed by cards.
The King of Spades, so surrounded, is the man of law and devil of hell who announces to you that you will pass through the hands of justice and you will be completely destroyed. Your death will follow. It will be painful and violent.

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Jack of hearts card reading


The Jack of Hearts, the thirty-ninth card of the Egyptian Tarot, depicts a young blond man, in love, honest and always happy.
It refers to a child when consulting for a very young boy.
If the consultant is a young girl, single or divorced woman, this card represents her lover.
For married or elderly people, as well as for a single person or a widower, the Jack of Hearts is the symbol of a sincere, kind, skillful, beneficent, brave and well-mannered friend.

The Jack of hearts having on the right a
Spade ♠: Happy friend who will care about you.
Heart ♥: A young blond man will court you; you can say “yes” to him, he is honest and good. – It also means perfect contentment.
Diamond ♦: Joy in the city. – Visit of a child from out of the town.
Club ♣: Prosperity. – Long live a happy life. – Happy change of your situation in life.

Having on the left a
Spade ♠: A young blond man is sad that he can’t win you over.
Heart ♥: Serious and rich suitor. – New friendship.
Diamond ♦: News from a sincere friend. – An evening out.
Club ♣: Joy. – Fortune is coming your way.

With another Jack: Meeting of two young people; the other card next to the Jack of hears is silent; it does not speak.
After a queen: Certain relationship or marriage.
Between two Spades: Delay for a wedding or marriage proposal.

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